3.0 AH Ladies Spring 2023 Tennis

Adults (Over 18 years old)

Coaches: Tanya Gacs, Ken DeHart, Tennis At Alpine

New Season 2023
Captains: Susie H. and Caren T.

If you want to participate in the organized competitions against other clubs, Alpine Hills organizes this through the USTA. To participate:

1st: Tell the captains, Susie and Caren and confirm there is room on the roster.

2nd: Get your USTA number at https://www.usta.com/en/home/myaccount/choose-account-type.html

3rd: Sign up to the team at Norcal USTA: https://www.ustanorcal.com/login/


Team Members


Alpine Hills Tennis posted news
2 years ago

Jan 16 results and upcoming matches

Hi ladies - 

I'm very happy and proud to report that we had a clean sweep yesterday in our match against Fremont Hills!!

Joi rocked it in singles, staying cool and collected and ended up winning the match with a third set tie break! Go Joi!

In D1, Amy S and Tina M were a solid duo, who constantly communicated and backed each other up. They beat their opponents in 2 sets.

D2 featured Katja and Sally Ann who looked amazing in their matching outfits. They too played a very patient match, with lots of lobs against their opponents. They won in 2 sets.

And in D3 we welcomed back Tine in her first USTA match since her wrist/arm/hand injury and with Caren as her partner, they played really well together and took their opponents in 2 sets.

Great playing by all of you!!!!!!!!

Moving forward we have TWO matches coming up.

Pls Sign up to practice this week:  



Saturday, Jan 22 @ Alpine Hills 1pm against Rinconada.

Lineup is:

Singles: Melissa

D1: Shannon and Caren

D2: Joi and Susie

D3: Jami and Emily L

Alternates:  Tine, Rachel, Elise 


Monday Jan 24 @ Ladera 6:30pm

Lineup is:

Singles:  Sally Ann

D1: Melissa and Amy S

D2: Josie and Tine

D3: Kate and Elise

Alternates: Rachel, Emily


Go Alpine!!!


Shannon and Tina

Alpine Hills Tennis posted news
2 years ago

Second match will be on Saturday 1/15 at Alpine Hills 1PM.

Next match: January 15th against Fremont Hills at HOME 1PM

Singles: Sally Ann

D1: Tina and Amy

D2: Josie and Joi

D3: Tine and Caren

Alternate 1: Katja

Alternate 2: Shannon


Remember to sign up for the team practices on Thursdays: Several of us were out there today! Happy hour afterwards!!!



Alpine has decided to forgo any snacks after the matches but you should please offer your opponents a beverage of their choice. 


Play offs/Sectionals please save the date!

Playoff Week #1: March 24 - 27

Playoff Week #2: March 31 - April 3

Playoff Week #3: April 7 - 10

Sectional Championship Dates: April 22 - 24, 2022


Thursday and Saturday clinics with Ken. These are awesome clinics to work on technique and strategy. 

Thursdays: 10:30-11:30AM and Saturdays: 9-10AM  $25 per clinic

Don't miss out, they are worth it! 


Team Colors:
Green/white and black

Alpine Hills Tennis posted news
2 years ago

3.0 Ladies Jan 9th, first match at University Club

Ladies 3.0 team's first match is on Sunday January 9, at 12 Noon at University Club. 

Lineup is:

Singles:  Caren Taylor

D1: Katja / Tina M

D2: Melissa / Shannon

D3: Kate / Susie

Alternate: Rachel


Team colors: Green and White. Do your best. Coordinate with your partner. :-)


Link to practices signup:



Looking forward to a fun season with you all! 

Alpine Hills Tennis added an album
3 years ago

USTA's Tennis Rating

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About Us

Alpine Hills Tennis and Swimming Club is a member-owned club offering a variety of athletic and social activities for adults, children, and families, in the tranquil setting of Portola Valley. Whether you’re playing tennis on one of our 12 courts, swimming in one of our year-round heated pools, working out in our fully equipped fitness center, socializing in our restaurant, or just being part of the community, Alpine Hills is your home away from home.

Tennis Link:https://www.alpinehills.us/tennis