6.0 Alpine Hills Mixed Doubles Intra-Club

Adults (Over 18 years old)

Coaches: Ogidi Obi, Tennis At Alpine

Team Members


6.0 Alpine Hills Mixed Doubles Intra-Club posted news
3 years ago

6.0 AH Adult Mixed Tennis for 12:45 Saturday, May 22nd

6.0 AH Adult Mixed Tennis for 12:45 Saturday, May 22nd

Looks like beautiful tennis weather this upcoming weekend. 
Cool but sunny. Perfect!
Reminder to bring water and sunscreen up before you get on the court
And of course, give yourself time to 'stretch' before the matches begin.

Link to the t latest news and upcoming schedule

Mark Geenen
Patricia Law
Katja Gagen
SallyAnn Reiss
Tine Badger
Randi Ti
Ravi Khatod   
Joi Deaser        
Mary Falore    
Sylvia Hughes    

Tina M.
Sarah Gray

Best,  Ogidi  — 
Ogidi Obi Assistant Director of Racquets
Alpine Hills Tennis & Swimming Club
4139 Alpine Rd. Portola Valley, CA. 94028. 
650.851.1591. x 110

6.0 Alpine Hills Mixed Doubles Intra-Club posted news
3 years ago

AH Adult Mixed Tennis: Wk of May 10th 2021

Week of May 10th 2021

Adult Mixed Tennis is ON! 

  1. We are switching to an "Opt-Out" protocol. Starting next week I am assuming that you are playing. If you are not able to play please find a substitute and notify me of that person’s name. Look on the PlayyOn website for a list of players and substitutes. 
  2. While the league is called a “Mixed Intraclub” it will function as a “Combo” league when there are not enough couples to play. Teams can  be comprised of same gender pairings.  
  3. In the future I will make posts to the PlayyOn’s News Feed for our Mixed Intra-club. 
  4. For your mobile phone communications, here is a link that will help you add a league shortcut for notifications to your home screen. Click here to view get instructions for any type of mobile device.
  5. Finally if you need help with PlayyOn you can contact our fellow member Sally Anne at 650.906.0828. Text is best.

Here’s what we have for our player availability this weekend…   

Mixed Intraclub 5.0/6.0 - Saturday, 5/8 at 12:45pm.  Tina Molumphy/RaviKhatod, Sally Reiss/Katya Gagen, 

Mixed Intraclub 6.0/7/0 - Sunday, 5/9 @ 10:45am.  Angelo Aloisio/Lizz Babb, Mary Nam, Cori Moesta, Kate Canessa, Josh Moore, Kristina Paszek

If I am missing someone (or if I have included someone in error) please let me know and I will make the adjustment to the order of play

Best,  Ogidi  — 
Ogidi Obi
Assistant Director of Racquets
Alpine Hills Tennis & Swimming Club
4139 Alpine Rd. Portola Valley, CA. 94028. 
650.851.1591. x 110

Alpine Hills Tennis added an album
3 years ago

About Us

Alpine Hills Tennis and Swimming Club is a member-owned club offering a variety of athletic and social activities for adults, children, and families, in the tranquil setting of Portola Valley. Whether you’re playing tennis on one of our 12 courts, swimming in one of our year-round heated pools, working out in our fully equipped fitness center, socializing in our restaurant, or just being part of the community, Alpine Hills is your home away from home.

Tennis Link:https://www.alpinehills.us/tennis