Adults (Over 18 years old)




6 years ago

About Us

Kickball League for girls ages 13 to 17.

This league was created for young ladies who enjoy playing sports, but all that is being offered is cheerleading and dance. Its also for those that just want to get moving. Its an opportunity to socialize, interact with other young ladies in a positive sportsmanship and have fun environment.
This league consist of 12 teams:

Division I and Division II, a minimum of 9 players per team, a Coach and Assistant Coach.

Registration Fee is $60.00 for all players and  $75.00 for all Coaches. ( Non Refundable)

Registration fees must be paid in full prior to the start of the season(s). No new players added after the first week of games.

A player who is registered and have a valid emergency can sell their slot to a new before the second week of games.

If there is a dispute I have the final say.

  How to Play Kickball 

Basic Kickball Rules Learn how to play kickball and see why the game is so popular across all age groups. With just a few basic rules you'll be ready to PLAY in no time! 


A kickball game is played by two teams of 9-11 players each who try to score more runs than their opponent by rounding the bases and crossing home plate as many times as possible. 

Playing Area

The kickball field is laid out similar to a baseball diamond with 4 bases, a pitching rubber, an infield and an outfield.

The dimensions of the field can vary depending on the age of the players.

Here are some recommendations:

4-5 yrs – 40' base paths and 30' to the pitching rubber
6-8 yrs – 50' base paths and 35' to the pitching rubber
9-14 yrs – 60' base paths and 42' to the pitching rubber
Adults – 70' base paths and 50' to the pitching rubber.


All you need to play is a kickball and 4 bases.


Team Shirts - $20.00 Coaches and Players
Black leggings (capri)
Socks - League Socks -$5.00

Kickball Bases Positions Players line up in the following positions:

Pitcher – on the pitching rubber
Catcher – behind home plate
1st Baseman – a few feet away from 1st base  (Crasher)
2nd Baseman – a few feet away from 2nd base toward 1st
3rd Baseman – a few feet away from 3rd base  (Crasher)
Shortstop – between 2nd and 3rd base
Leftfielder – outfield behind 2nd and 3rd base
Centerfielder – outfield behind 2nd base
Rightfielder – outfield behind 1st and 2nd base
(Short Center Field - optional)
                                                                       Kickball Rules

Starting Play

The visiting team kicks first while the home team starts out in the field. The fielders line up in one of 9 positions.

The first kicker steps up to the plate to kick.


The ball must bounce and roll on the ground when crossing over the plate.

The pitcher has to stay behind the pitching rubber until the ball is kicked. Failure to do this results in a "ball."

The strike zone is 1 foot inside and outside of home plate.


The ball must be kicked with the foot or leg. All kicks must be made behind home plate. It's okay to step on home plate while kicking.

Bunting is allowed (contacting the ball without fully extending the leg).


If a kicker gets 3 strikes, she is out.

A strike is: a pitch inside the strike zone that isn't kicked.

An attempted kick that's missed. It doesn't matter whether it was inside or outside the strike zone.


A kicker gets a free trip to first base after 3 balls. A ball is called when: a pitch is outside the strike zone, and the kicker doesn't try to kick it. a pitch bounces across home plate.

Any fielder, including the pitcher, advances toward home plate before the ball is kicked.

Foul Ball

A foul is a kick that: lands in foul territory. goes out of bounds before passing 1st or 3rd base that isn't touched by any player.

A foul counts as a strike. If a player gets 3 fouls, she's out. If a player has 2 strikes and then kicks a foul ball, she's out.

Runner Runners have to stay in the baselines.

Sliding into the base or running into fielders is not allowed.

The runner is out if he runs into the fielder.

The runner is safe if the fielder initiated the contact.

Fielders must stay out of the baseline. Unless they are making an active play for the ball, if they interfere with a runner, the runner is safe at the base they are running toward.

No runners may lead off or steal. They can only run after the ball is kicked.

A runner who is off the base before the ball is kicked is out.

Runners have to tag up after a fly ball is caught before they can advance to the next base.

Runners may overrun 1st base, but they must turn toward foul territory once they pass the base. If they overrun any other base, they may be tagged out by a defender with the ball.

If the ball is overthrown, the runner may advance only one base.

If a runner overtakes and passes a runner on the bases ahead of her, she is out.

When the pitcher has control of the ball and is standing on the mound, all of the runners must stop advancing.


A game lasts 6 innings or 45 minutes. Mercy rule also applies after 4th inning.

Each inning is divided into a top and bottom half with each team having a turn to kick.

The visiting team kicks the first half (or top) of each inning, and the home team kicks the second half (or bottom) of the inning. A half inning is completed when the kicking team gets 3 outs.

If the game is tied at the end of 6 innings, teams continue to play complete innings until one team is ahead (45 minutes time limit.)


A team scores a point every time a player rounds all of the bases and crosses home plate.

Outs A batter is out if: he kicks the ball, and it's caught in the air (even if it's in foul territory).

She gets 3 strikes, 3 fouls, or 2 strikes + a foul. she bunts the ball (doesn't take a full swing of the leg in an attempt to kick the ball a short distance).

A runner is out if: she is hit by a kicked ball while off base.

A fielder tags her with the ball while she's not on a base.

She runs out of the baseline.

A fielder throws the ball and hits her below the shoulders while she's off the base. (Runners hit in the head or neck aren't out unless they were ducking to dodge the ball.)

She is tagged by a fielder before reaching the base she is forced to run to or if a fielder with a ball touches the base before she gets there.

She leaves the base before the ball is kicked.

She fails to tag up on a fly ball and the ball beats her back to the base she was on.

She runs past a runner in front of her.

She runs into a fielder who is trying to make a play on the ball.