Adults (Over 18 years old)
Coach: Admin Parks & Rec Committee
Member of: PV Parks and Rec
6th Annual Portola Valley
Flight Night!
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Portola Valley Town Center
765 Portola Rd, Portola Valley, CA
Open from 4:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Radio-Controlled Model Flying Demonstrations:
Demonstrations by Local Expert Pilots!
Spectacular Lighted Model Displays after Sunset!
Fixed-Wing, Helicopters, Multi-Copters, Sailplanes!
In-Flight Video Technology, Real-time Ground Displays!
Talk with Pilots!
Hands On! Do-It Yourself:
Fly Dual-control “Buddy Box” with Experienced Pilots! Instruction/Practice on Computer Flight Simulators!
Build and fly your own glider, we supply material!
Fly your own R/C “Park Flyer”! (AMA members only]
Visit Exhibits
Great Variety of Aircraft, Impressive Scale Models
Flight Controllers, Motors, Batteries, Videos
Career Directions in Science and Technology
NASA Rotorcraft Exhibit
Free and Open to the Public!
Sponsored by the Portola Valley Nature & Science Committee
The Town of Portola Valley offers a wide variety of recreational facilities and programs for residents to enjoy. The Town's state-of-the-art Town Center was designed and constructed utilizing the latest technology in sustainable construction, and has become a hub of activity for people of all ages! This wonderful complex features the following: