Des Plaines Girls Softball Registration

Adults (Over 18 years old)

Coach: Tina Garrett

Member of: Des Plaines Girls Softball


Des Plaines Girls Softball added an album
7 years ago

About Us

Des Plaines Girls Softball is a volunteer led, not-for-profit organization. We offer girls kindergarten through eighth grade in the Des Plaines community and neighboring communities, recreational and competitive softball. The season begins on April 30 and will usually end by July 4th weather permitting.

Des Plaines Girls Softball plays in a Crosstown League, playing teams across the north and northwest suburbs in their regular play schedule.  In the absence of a formal Maine West Jr. Warriors softball team, this league serves to teach girls the basics and prepare them for the high school team. DPGS is 100% run by volunteers from board members to managers, coaches, and team parents. We are always looking for additional volunteers.

If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering, please fill out the contact form on this page or contact any board member or league commissioner. Without volunteers, this league would not exist!

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