Elevate 16 Smack National

Adults (Over 18 years old)

Coaches: scott jones, Stephen McBeath

Member of: Elevate Volleyball


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About Us

The mission of Elevate is to support and encourage our athletes and coaches in their pursuit for excellence in volleyball.  Elevate strives to teach players the value of teamwork, responsibility, self-discipline and leadership so that every athlete has the opportunity to be the best they can be on and off the volleyball court.
To focus on developing players for their high school and college careers. To provide a high level of technical training for players on three levels: Body, Mind & Heart.
To ensure all players understand and are capable of all aspects of volleyball.  To expose athletes to collegiate volleyball programs through recruiting efforts. PHILOSOPHY
The coaches at Elevate emphasize development of the long-term athlete and work individually with each athlete to determine and develop their long-term goals. Elevate is focused on making each athlete the best volleyball player they can be. Our players have lots of practice opportunities through extra practice sessions and our open practice policy. In practices coaches concentrate on maximum number of touches of the ball using game-like situations.