Adults (Over 18 years old)
Coaches: Randy Holmes, Tanya Bossio, Kim McLean
Member of: Fernie Youth Soccer Association
Hello Fernie Soccer Community!
Please join FYSA Thursday, December, 2nd, 2021 7:30 pm at the Park Place Lodge or Via Zoom for our 2021 AGM!
Follow link below to Join us on Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 867 2364 3704
Passcode: jVS8Zj
If you plan to join us in person at the Park Place Lodge, please enter through the main hotel entrance. Proof of Vaccine and Mask required.
Chance to WIN a draw prize at the end of the meeting...everyone that attends will be entered in the Draw!
We have some great volunteer positions open this season. You can participate as a Board Member, or consider a volunteer support role! FYSA is a Non-Profit Volunteer Run Organization. We rely on our Amazing Volunteers and our Soccer Community to allow Youth Soccer to be a Fun and Accessible activity available to everyone.
We look forward to seeing you all soon!