National Iceball League Clubs

Registration for National Iceball League clubs is open for the 2025-2026 season. There are options for both competitive and recreational play this season.

Once you register with a club, you can sign up to tryout for the club's professional team competing in the NIL and any recreational programs run by the club throughout the season. Club registration is free, but some programs run by the club will cost money.


Contact: Joel Waddell

Closes: Sat. May 31, 2025, 11:59 PM (EDT)

About Us

Iceball Association, a part of Waddell Games, was founded by Joel Waddell in partnership with Ministry Motion in late August 2019 to organize and run events for a new sport that Joel invented called iceball with a mission to contribute to the needs of others starting by raising awareness for a little-known condition called misophonia. Iceball can be described as a combination of hockey and handball as the game is played on ice and the player positions are the same as hockey player positions and many of the rules resemble hockey rules, but goals are scored by throwing a ball into the net. In summary, misophonia is a sensitivity to specific sounds that trigger emotional and physical reactions and, in some cases, there can be visual triggers as well. Joel is a Christian and his primary source of motivation to help others comes from his faith and, for this reason, Iceball Association was founded on Christian values.