Jr. Buckets Supreme

Adults (Over 18 years old)

Coaches: Brandon Miller, Spenser Robinson

Member of: Jr. Buckets Health & Hoops Club


Jr. Buckets Health & Hoops Club added an album
6 years ago

About Us

Jr. Buckets Health & Hoops Club is an organization dedicated to boys and girls ages 10-19 of Tucson. We aim to serve low- income families and young athletes with desire and dedication to becoming high school and collegiate athletes.Emphasizing academic achievement as well as athletic prowess.
 Our club is also for the parents and families of our athletes. For the adults, we are membership-based program(donation encouraged), we aim to inform, educate and assist our community in learning about nutritious and healthy alternatives to our diets. We will introduce creative ways to harvest, cook and consume nutritious meals and offer sessions with certified and licensed professionals of a variety of fields like physical therapy, sports, nutrition and more through lectures, conversations and demonstrations.

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