Lethbridge Speed Skating Association

Open Registrations


Lethbridge Speed Skating Association added an album
4 years ago

Lethbridge Speed Skating Association added an album
4 years ago

Lethbridge Speed Skating Association added an album
4 years ago

Lethbridge Speed Skating Association added an album
4 years ago

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About Us

The LSSA has been part of Lethbridge since 1973.  The club on average will have up to 50 skaters that range from 5 to 75.  We are primarily a short track club; however, our skaters are trained in long and short track and we have been quite successful in both.  
In addition to advancing the sport, individuals focus on personal as well as team growth through on and off-ice activities in a safe, inclusive, supportive, and fun environment. We are governed federally by Speed Skating Canada and provincially by the Alberta Amateur Speed Skating Association.

Competitions are either short or long track format:
Short track
100 or 111 meter track (standard or Olympic size hockey rink).
Fixed blades.
Race distances range from 100 to 3000 meters.

Long track
400m track.
Fixed or clap blades.
Race distances can range from 100 to 10,000 meters.