SHFA Meyerites

Adults (Over 18 years old)

Coach: Geoffrey Harrington

Member of: NorCal Historical Fencing League


NorCal Historical Fencing League added an album
4 years ago

About Us

The NorCal Historical Fencing League, bringing modern competition to Historical Fencing.

Traditionally HEMA leagues have focused on the individual fencer and performance in tournaments. This has created a barrier to entry due to the time and cost commitments. The NorCal Historical Fencing League is changing all of that by following the best practices of competitive sports around the world.

Instead of focusing on the individual fencer we are instead focusing on the team. Each of our member clubs has formed a historical fencing team that will compete in home and away games. The games will consist of six matches across three weapons and two tiers of experience. The rules and weapons, besides longsword, of each game are determined by the home team. So whereas Sacramento will host matches with Longsword, Dussack, and Rapier using their Fechtschule Sacramento rules the team from DEMAS will host matches with Longsword, mixed one handed weapons, and Warbow. 

Check the individual team pages for more info.

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