Softball at NorthWest All Sport Clinic

Adults (Over 18 years old)

Coach: NW All Sport School ADMIN

Member of: NW All Sport School


NW All Sport School added an album
8 years ago

About Us

All Sports School now focuses on the Northwest All Sports Clinic held annually in Seattle, Washington.Coaches will learn both the timeless basics of each sport plus the latest winning strategies being employed across the country. 

You will have the opportunity to listen and learn from some of the finest coaches from all over the country. We would like to encourage high school coaches, women, men, little league coaches and parents to attend and improve your knowledge and coaching skills. It is a 4 day clinic that is packed full of hourly sessions and you are free to attend as many of them as you wish. 

Also, there are exhibitors displaying the latest in equipment and wares of their trade and they look forward to meeting you.

We are close to the airport so that travel to the clinic is convenient and special room rates are available.

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