OKYUPS Penticton

Adults (Over 18 years old)


Member of: Okanagan Youth Ultimate


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About Us

Okanagan Youth Ultimate provides opportunities for youth to learn to play and to play Ultimate Frisbee in the Okanagan. 

We are a not-for-profit sports club which aims to build diverse, inclusive spaces for youth to play this fun team sport and learn all about Ultimate's principle of Spirit of the Game which focuses on Sportspersonship.

We offer three different levels for youth players: 
1. Regular league play (beginner, intermediate, and advanced)
2. Competitive team (intermediate and advanced)
3. Summer camps (beginner, intermediate, and advanced)

We welcome players who are new to frisbee, who have never played a team sport before, and who are eager to learn in a fun environment.

Check us out on Instagram @okanaganyouthultimate

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