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Old School FC, Inc. added an album
5 years ago

Old School FC, Inc. added an album
6 years ago

Old School FC, Inc. added an album
6 years ago

Old School FC, Inc. added an album
6 years ago

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About Us

Are you Old School?

Old School has many meanings depending upon who you are talking to.  To us, Old School is about the memories of people, places and events that shape who we are today.   When we think about Old School, memories come flooding back of days when school got out, we rushed through our homework, and we were off to the neighborhood to find our friends to play whiffle ball, kick a ball, climb the highest tree, or ride our BMX bikes…and we did all this while avoiding the neighborhood dog.  The day was only over when the sun set or when your mom called you in for dinner.  Old School FC is about attitudes, responsibility, family and doing the right thing. At Old School FC, we strive to return to that mindset.  We preach hard work, having fun, and never giving up.  Do you have this mindset, do you want your child to develop it?  Contact Old School FC, we’re always interested in players who want to be their best, parents who want their children to earn their praise, and coaches who believe that sports are learned on grass and mud in the playgrounds against gritty competition.

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