5th and 6th Grade

Adults (Over 18 years old)

Coach: Olivet Youth Football

Member of: Olivet Youth Football


Olivet Youth Football added an album
4 years ago

About Us

Welcome to the Olivet Youth Football site. Please check here for updates, schedules as they become available and league information. Page navigation for the site is located at the top of this page. 

You can also find us on Facebook.

Olivet Youth Football is part of the Aupang Youth Football League.

Our email is [email protected].

Forms that need to be turned in at pad handout:

The Youth Football Volunteer Board Members are:
Austin Williams - President
Beth Tucker - Secretary
Ashlee Deland - Treasurer
Broc Kennedy
Jeff O'Dell
Paul Osborn
High School Head Coach Brock Peters

Flag Football Contact: Ashlee Deland