Adults (Over 18 years old)
Coach: PCA Coach
Member of: PCA Coach's Organization
Coaches can determine the kind of experience our athletes have with sports.
PCA supports you to be a Double-Goal Coach, who strives to win (one goal), while pursuing the more-important goal of teaching life lessons through sports.
* Model and teach your players to Honor the Game.
* Help players pursue mastery of their sport, not just scoreboard wins.
* Fill your players’ Emotional Tanks.
* Sandwich, and avoiding criticism in non-teachable moments.
* Have conversations with your players at every practice and game.
Your adopting these philosophies and actions will contribute to a positive, character-building youth
PCA Coach's Organization added an album
8 years ago
PCA Coach's Organization added an album
8 years ago
Winners In Sports & Life, Double Goal Coaching posted news
10 years ago