Mariette Pless


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My Story

I am a University of Alberta Pandas Volleyball Alumni and Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach in Edmonton, AB. I'm a passionate coach dedicated to developing athletes of any sport to reach the next level in their performance, and helping the general population improve or maintain their health and fitness. 

I value establishing strong fundamental skills in young athletes to improve performance and prevent injuries, while challenging them to push their boundaries to see growth. So often we see athletes lacking essential body mechanics that lead to muscular imbalances, overuse, and injury. Having gone through these experiences myself, I have dedicated my coaching to providing athletes with tools that will not only improve their overall athletic performance, but increase longevity and prevent injury.

As a Strength and Conditioning Coach (NSCA-CSCS) I work with athletes of every sport to unlock their best athletic performance. I strive to improve athlete's strength, power, speed, agility, and conditioning while implementing specific corrective exercises. Seeking growth and change in athletic performance takes patience, dedication and strong expectations of oneself. I work with athletes to instill these values and execute them in their training through private, semi private and team training sessions. 

I am also a University of Alberta Pandas Volleyball Alumni, playing 5 years as an outside hitter and libero. I coach developing volleyball athletes in technical training sessions. working to improve efficiency and clean up bad habits. I offer 1-1, semi private, or group volleyball training sessions all year long.