My Story

From the seasoned pro and college veterans looking to enhance their skills, to the promising young athletes seeking to catch the eye of one of the many fans and scouts in the stands, the San Francisco Bay Area Pro-Am Summer Basketball League provides an excellent opportunity for male and female players, coaches, officials and attendees to mix and have fun in a quality event during the Summer months. Opportunity is the operative word, as countless number of opportunities abound in the league, from being free to the public, to receiving an invitation to play in a pro setting, to being surrounded by friends in the stands and on the court. This forum has proven to be quite a bargain for scores of Bay Area hoop fanatics and their families, particularly those that could not attend or afford a local college or pro game during their respective season. The league is due to the support of the SF Recreation & Park's Department, which provides Kezar Pavilion, allowing Bay Area fans each Summer, to witness this event and watch these past, present and future legends exhibit their talent. This League has been organized, over 35 years, with the concept that the league would add to the quality of life in the Bay Area and provide an alternative for family fun during the Summer months.