SAS Basketball - Boys Freshman - Syracuse Academy of Science

Adults (Over 18 years old)

Coach: Jeff Richardson

Member of: SAS Basketball Syracuse, NY

Syracuse Academy Of Science Freshman Boy's Basketball Team. 2017-2018


SAS Basketball Syracuse, NY added an album
8 years ago

About Us

-The SAS Basketball organization is run by coaches and others affiliated with the Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School ("School").  The organization is not a part of the School and operates independently of the School.  

-Focused on central New York basketball players (Boys 12U-18U).

-Basketball camps, clinics and tournaments.

-Lead by Jonathan Mandeldove, head varsity basketball coach of Syracuse Academy of Science and former center at University of Connecticut.  


(i) to instill a "100% attitude" in youth - strive for 100% effort to release maximum potential. 

(ii) to build the character of youth for overcoming obstacles in life and taking leadership for success in sports and positive change in the world. 

(iii) to support academic achievement and emphasize the importance of education for success in sports, college and careers.