Our Winter season kicks off with sign up night on Sunday, January 29 at 5:15 pm. Our goal is to have two different divisions like past seasons.
Game schedule is tentatively as follows:
Game 1: Feb 19
Game 2: Feb 26
Game 3: March 5
Game 4: March 12
NO Games March 19
Game 5: March 26
Game 6: April 2
NO Games April 9 - Easter
Game 7: April 16
Game 8/Championships: April 23
*NEW* This season if you bring a new player you both save $20 off your registration! Cost for season is $80 cash or check, goalies are free.
Any questions, text/call Ashley at 610-413-6762
Contact: Ashley Witman
Reg. Closed (Sun. Apr 30, 2023, 10:08 PM (EDT))
We pride ourselves on a fun, developmental league for youth ages 17 and under. We offer year round weekly practices to anyone interested in playing. No need to be registered to play in the league to attend. Practices are offered on Thursday nights from 5-7 pm.
Our league games are held on Sunday evenings between 5-8 pm. Seasons usually last 8 weeks long. Attendance at weekly practices is not a requirement to participate in the games.
We welcome all skaters - from the beginners to the advanced. The key is to have fun and play HOCKEY!