

Cobham - Basketball
Cobham Football 3rds
Cobham Football W
Collyers Football W
Collyers M 1s
Collyers M 2s
Collyers Netball W 1s
Collyers Netball W 2nds
East Surrey College
East Surrey Football 3rds
Esher College 2s
Esher College 3s
Esher College - Basketball
Esher College - Ladies Football (Soccer)
Esher College M 1s
Esher Netball W1s
Esher Netball W 2nds
Esher Rugby M
Farnborough Football M
Farnborough Football W
Farnborough Rugby M
Glyn School Netball W 1s
Godalming 2nds
Godalming 3rds
Godalming College - Basketball
Godalming Football M 1s
Godalming football W
Godalming M 1sts
Godalming Netball W 1s
Godalming Rugby M
Godalming W 1sts
Godalming W 2nds
John Ruskin College - Basketball
John Ruskin Football 3rds
John Ruskin Football M
Merrist Wood
Merrist Wood 3rds
Pulse Academy M 1s
Pulse Academy M 2s
Reigate College - Basketball
Reigate College - Ladies
Reigate College M 1s
Reigate College M 2s
Reigate College M 3s
Reigate Netball W 1s
Reigate Netball W 2s
Reigate Rugby
St John Baptist - Basketball
St John Baptist Netball 2nds
St John Baptist Netball W 1s

About Us

Competitive sports league for Colleges & Schools in Surrey and the surrounding areas. 

Ages 16-19 

Boys football 1s
Boys football 2s
Boys football 3s
Ladies football
Netball 1s
Netball 2s