Encore Red 15-2

Adults (Over 18 years old)

Coach: The Foundry

Member of: The Foundry 's Organization

Great group of HS Freshmen volleyball players.


The Foundry 's Organization added an album
8 years ago

Encore Red 15-2 posted news
9 years ago

TRYOUTS for 2015-2016 3 Key R...

TRYOUTS for 2015-2016 3 Key Reminders: We offer 2 clubs: Encore (power) teams and Monsoon (area) teams. The fee for Tryouts is $30 to tryout for one club and $45 to tryout for both clubs if you register online before Saturday, November 7, 2015. Walk-up or online registration on November 7-8 will be $45 for one club or $60 for both clubs. (There are no refunds of tryout fees.) Keep your NCVA number handy. You will need it to complete this form. The NCVA requires that you either purchase a tryout membership ($20) or an annual membership ($70) prior to trying out at a club. This fee is in addition to the tryout fee that Encore and Monsoon charge. Before you sign up for tryouts, please visit the NCVA site to purchase or renew your membership by clicking on the link below. On the day of the tryout, we recommend you arrive 30-45 minutes before the Tryout time. http://www.ncva.com/info/registration/register-as-a-member

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