Straight Cash Homies

Adults (Over 18 years old)

Coach: Dane Walter

Member of: Throwback Sports League


Throwback Sports League added an album
7 years ago

About Us

Our league is designed to allow adults to relive the glory days of their youth. We may be new to Delaware, but we are staffed by seasoned veterans. Founded by Jason Liles, we are currently offering Co-Ed Flag Football to the Middletown, Newark, and Wilmington area. Sign up as a team captain, team, player, or a free agent.
We hope you are enjoying the last few months in 2017! We'll be spending the winter months getting the league ready for an AWESOME spring flag-football season. We'll also be working to finalize all aspects of the league so that we can offer the best recreational experience in a variety of sports!
Who We Are Throwback Sports League is Delaware's newest New Castle County recreational sports league.  We are striving to provide a fun, professional, and organized alternative for those looking to play Co-Ed Dodgeball, Kickball, Flag Football, and Soccer!
Throwback Sports League

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