3 on 3 Basketball Tournament Summer 2016

Adults (Over 18 years old)

Coaches: YMCA SF Presido Administrator, SallyAnn Reiss, Lara Hitchcock

Member of: YMCA SF Presido Administrator's Organization

To participate: Register online at Register online:


Develop your basketball skills during our 2nd annual 3 on 3
tournament. We will focus on the fundamentals of the game
while instilling confidence and teamwork with every child.
Players will ehance their sport specific skills in a learning and
ecncouraging environment.

Contact Bri for more information at bbaer@ymcasf.org

$150 Per Team
Bracket Play Elimination
(3 Game Guarantee)
Register online: https://www.playyon.com/f/summer-2016-3-on-3-tournament/

Letterman Gym
1152 Gorgas Ave

Main Post Gym
63 Funston Ave

Given community interest, there will be only one division:
6th Grade Boys Division
Boys play on Sunday, June 5th 9am to 5pm

*10 minute games or first to 21 points playing by 1’s and 2’s.
Each grade will finish their bracket within 4hrs


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