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You Pool It! added an album
7 years ago

You Pool It! added a video
7 years ago

The team in action!

MadClanPC posted news
7 years ago


Hello guys and welcome to the team update for this month! I have some exciting news and some details to future plans and even some rule changes.Topic #1 SPONSORS & CUSTOM TEAM JERSEYS! So guys as you should know by now we have 2 product or "Full" Sponsorships in addition to our partnership or commission based sponsors and those are ARCTIC and BANDICAM. I also reached out to EVGA and ANTEI Labs who is a PC build company and both have us on the list for FULL team sponsorship! Here are those details,EVGA: Has a sponsorship / eSports program in development but has not opened yet for teams to join. Eddie has agreed to inform us when the position becomes available so we can become a FULL EVGA SPONSORED TEAM!ANTEI LABS: Has a full sponsorship program running and the team's site I found these guys on was giving away ENTIRE PC'S! So I reached out to them and informed them of our plans for the event creation site and our PC team alliance group UGL and they loved it! They said that because the nature of the sponsorships they provide (Entire PC build giveaways) They couldn't afford to sponsor another team right now and they can't just drop a team but they are planning to work with us in the very "near future" So perhaps another teams contract is running out or we will sign our contract next year! APORIA CUSTOMS: These guys create custom eSports Jerseys and host team stores for them directly on their website, all the materials are designed by their pro design teams and each new design costs $10. The store costs $20 to open and we will make a percentage of every sale we get on the site (Up to 10%) We will also get to create custom discount codes for the team and our fans at 10, 15, 20 and 25% off! But keep in mind that this will also affect the amount we make off of each product. So next month I will be opening a store up and you guys will be able to send me $10, submit your designs to me and I will get them to the designers for creation then I will turn around and sell our members the products at max discount and with the money we make off of the purchases I'll kick back to the team in giveaways and contests! I know it sucks to have to buy your own team shit but the designers need to be compensated for their work and at least I will give everyone a shot to get a bit of their money back in team contests!Topic #2  NEW AVATARS & CONTENT! I have designed and created better looking logos for the team avatars DOWNLOAD []and I have been hard at work making new team YouTube Intro's and end card templates. Everything is really looking great and the only thing I'm missing is content from you guys to place on the channel. Since sub counts play a HUGE factor into most sponsor applications it really would help to get our count up to at least 1000. We could get some good FULL sponsorships with 1000 subs so please take the time to Sub to our channel, our videos, leave positive comments, and SHARE OUR CHANNEL AND VIDEOS ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Guys it is OUR community channel, It will take all of our efforts to grow it and keep it growing I can't stress it enough our team is a BRAND THAT WE ALL OWN. Lets take some pride in what we are doing and rep the team and our channels every chance we get! I'm not getting rich off your guy's content trust me lol and when we do start making decent money I will give the team a monthly allowance whether it be contests, giveaways etc. We all need each other to be successful! Here is a list of new content I have uploaded to the channel,1)YouTube™ Video: MW3 42-2  Views: 22 Anyone knows getting a 40 + kill game in MW3 is like getting a 50 + in MW2, the game is slower paced and streaks aren't as powerful but I got a pretty decent game play for you guys here! 2)YouTube™ Video: LEG1T 3 Minute MOAB  Views: 22 He even managed to beat a guy hacking on the other team! Please like and sub for more videos, news and giveaways from our sponsors Bandicam, and ARCTIC! Music by Savant. 3)YouTube™ Video: LEG1T MOAB MW3 PC  Views: 41 LEG1T is new to the team transferring from SEELE clan and this is his first MOAB as our member! Hope you enjoy the video Please like and subscribe and also check out our sponsors! 4)YouTube™ Video: 33-0 MOAB MW3  Views: 30 Sorry I haven't been uploading to the channel much lately my computer has been dead since July and I just saved up enough to get it up and running again. 5)YouTube™ Video: You Pool It Demo Video!  Views: 23 The team and I have been hard at work developing a new eSports event creation website for players everywhere! We are accepting donations from the public to fund our start up costs and server rental... Also notice I am making a lot better thumbnails via panzoid background editor. Please if you are able to record your game footage and get that to me asap. It can be any game just as long as it's good quality and decent content. Speaking of sending content I will metion that I am switching the team to PCloud for storage and file transfers you get 14 gb free storage and 50gb free transfers also by making a custom sign up link and getting friends to sign up you get MORE free storage and here is how it works, 1) Sign up HERE []2) Upload your files to your account to be shared and generate a link for the file.3) Send me the direct link or post the links in the discord section HERE [] * Note if you are posting the DL links to discord you must also include a virus scan link from HERE []All you do is copy the file link to the paste bar and hit scan, then when the results display copy the page link at top of your web browser and paste both the results link and the file link in discord section #Content-sharingAnd I will edit the content and upload it for you. Or I can add you to the list of page managers so you can stream directly on our accounts.Topic #3 RULE CHANGES! I am adding a new rule to set a ranking system within the team. New members will have a probation period of 6 months (0 infractions) and will not be eligible to participate in cash or material *Private* contests for 1 year, although all can enter to win public contests. I am doing this so that people do not come to the team expecting to get free things and leave I want them to be an established member before enjoying the things all our loyal members has worked so hard to create. Also any member that has already joined prior to the posting of this announcement is grandfathered in and can still play for cash and prizes! Topic #4 CONTESTS! So guys we have 2 contests coming up here the 1st one will be on the 10th (This saturday) you can view that event HERE And we will be giving away a P533 Headset to the winner from our sponsor ARCTIC!Also I will be giving away a Bandicam product key good up till January of next year in april stay tuned for that from our sponsor BANDICAMAlso we will be holding a $100 cash contest later in the year, I was going to hold it sooner but I want to stretch everything out a bit to keep everyone busy through the year and I am currently paying a lot of bills at home lol so I can't afford it right this moment.Topic #5 PRO TEAMS! I am working on getting some MLG, ESL etc type events going but I need team captains that can recruit in the specific games such as CS:GO, Overwatch etc. If you have team organization / leadership skills and you wish to organize a pro team under our branding please get with me I can add you as a admin on our teamsnap account and let you set practice dates, edit rosters, post announcements and manage payments for your crews. I can handle everything sponsor side to aquire funding and travel exspenses (More likely next year with additional sponsorships) But this is all on you guys I can't do it alone and I don't have a lot of games that other members are playing atm so I can't organizes crews in them. Some games I want nothing to do with so assigning team captain roles is a much better idea. I will Be dedicating roles in steam to team captains to Moderators and special avatars. Admins will manage overall team functions and moderators will be in charge of seperate teams. Topic #6  DISCORD CHANGES! I have taken the time to create seperate channels inside discord for you guys to find certain info faster please check out the left hand side of our discord channel to see all the new categories and sub cat's! Also I will be adding some bots to the channel to police certain aspects while I'm away so be aware of that! And for those who don't yet have discord,GET IN DISCORD GUYS WTF IT'S FREE AND NO YOU DONT NEED A HEADSET TO JOIN WE HAVE TEXT CHANNELS THERE TOO SERIOUSLY STOP BEING LAZY OMGJOIN HERE []OR HERE []ALSO TRY HERE []YOU CAN ALSO JOIN BY CLICKING HERE []SO MANY WAYS TO JOIN LOOK AT THAT!Topic #7 OUR WEBSITE, OUR EVENT CREATION SITE AND A DIGITAL ROSTER! As you guys may have seen the site is gone but the site is still up under a wix domain. I am working on creating a members area atm so the site is down and I'm not paying for a site that is down if it can be hosted for free while I edit it.Also our event creation site is moving along if you have coding knowledge please contact me directly to help build the site! When completed it will be the best and easiest way to create, populate, and fund eSports events! Also I will be adding a digital roster to our website each member will get their own section for people to see, this will eliminate steam as our main roster census. We will no longer need to add you to the steam group to be a member you will just get your own area in our website with links to your pages, player info, content slideshow and even a link to your custom products in our team store! This is a very important step to branching out from steam into a larger pool of games! Adding new members from other platforms will be easier for myself and admins! Well guys I think that about covers everything let me know in the comments below your thoughts and suggestions!

You Pool It! added an album
7 years ago

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About Us

You Pool It is an all new event creation site!

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