Avon CT Grade 4 Basketball - Orange Team

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Avon CT Grade 4 Basketball - Orange Team posted news
7 years ago

1/16: Tonight's practice is still on (7-8pm at Pine Grove gym)

Avon Town Rec is not cancelling after-school activities so tonight's practice is still on.  Snow is not scheduled to start until later tonight.See you 7-8pm at Pine Grove gym.

Avon CT Grade 4 Basketball - Orange Team posted news
7 years ago

Our Saturday 1/6/18 Game is ON!

Hi Tigers team,Our Saturday basketball game (tomorrow) is still on.  Pine Grove school will be open for us. Our game is scheduled for 10:50am.  Please arrive about 10 minutes early. I recommend sending a water bottle for your son. The boys should wear their orange t-shirts.  I also recommend shorts.  (Change in the school bathroom if it's super cold.) When we did our scrimmage on Tuesday night, we played for 25 continuous minutes, and most of the boys seemed hot in their pants.  Our game is 45 minutes, I think.  So shorts should keep them more comfortable. If you can't make tomorrow's game, please reply to this email. Thanks! Coach Jen

Avon CT Grade 4 Basketball - Orange Team posted news
7 years ago

Game added on February 17th

Our game that was cancelled last Saturday, 12/9, has been rescheduled for February 17th.  We'll play the Avon Titans (Mr. Rosado's team) at 10:50 at the Pine Grove gym.

Avon CT Grade 4 Basketball - Orange Team posted news
7 years ago

We've the Tigers!

We tossed a coin and the Tigers won as our team name, narrowing beating out the runner up:  Orange Crush.  I notified the town rec department, so they will list us as the Tigers on our league website.

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About Us


It's official!  We've the Tigers!  We've got 8 boys on our team.  Everyone is in 4th grade.   See the Teams page for our roster


We will practice on Tuesday evenings from 7-8pm at the Pine Grove gym.  Practices start on Tuesday, 11/28, and go through Tuesday, 3/6.  There is no practice on 12/26 or 2/20.  We have 3/10 and 3/17 reserved for make-up practices, in case of weather cancelations during the season.  Please see the Schedule tab for our practice schedule


Our games are on Saturdays.  The first one is on 12/9.  They run through 3/3.  No game on 12/23, 12/30, or 2/17.  We have 3/10 and 3/17 reserved for makeup games in case of weather cancellations.  Please see the Schedule tab for our game schedule.