Open Registrations


CHEM Athletics posted news
5 years ago


Thank you so much for this note. She just loves sports, but isn't the most coordinated and sometimes really struggles with directions and attention. She is just beaming when she comes from your program. Her excitement from last night's free sandwich was awesome to see. She came home to practice some soccer skills you just taught and her making her Christmas list with a soccer net. Thank you for all you do!!!

CHEM Athletics posted news
5 years ago


Hi Coach,My son, (Aussie), is in your  CHEM Tennis on Monday at6:00. You asked us to let you know our preference re: the start time I’m all for the early start Aussie is also interested in continuing his tennis lesson at Stillwater Area High School/Pony Activity Center.  Are you thinking to offer an intermediate class? Aussie is enjoying your class and I like that you teach him team spirit. It’s an eye opening experience for him. Thanks for the great class.

CHEM Athletics posted news
5 years ago

Private lessons

Private Tennis lessons available Wednesday, Friday and Sunday in Maple Grove, Roseville, Robbinsdale contact for more information

CHEM Athletics posted news
6 years ago

Weather Updates

Lessons for August 26th are cancelled due to weather!we apologize and will keep you up to date! Have a great evening!
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About Us

Hey! Thanks for stopping by!  
We are CHEM Athletics, a youth sports lessons organization taking CHARACTER, both on and off the court, to the next level!  From tennis to floor hockey to the fastest growing outside sport Pickleball, we provide private and group lessons for kids 5-16 with certified coaches at an affordable price.

We provide lessons in the Twin Cities (Plymouth, Roseville, Robbinsdale, Stillwater, Crystal, New Hope, Woodbury and Anoka)  YEAR ROUND in Roseville, Robbinsdale and Dayton.  

HOME SCHOOL STUDENTS.  Check with your tax advisor since the lessons might be tax deductible as a physical education or extra curricular expense.