7 years ago
Board meeting 6/29/18 - Notes
Chicago Challengers F. C
The purpose of this meeting was to organize our guys into one solid team.
From past experiences from participating in tournaments, it was evident that we have reached our limit playing in this form.
We must all come together and truly play, practice, and be a team. Also, we must organize ourselves to carry on the legacy of Challengers that was started 30-40 years ago.
Board Members:
President: Joseph Thomas
Vice President: Sabu Achettu
Treasurer: Manoj Achettu (Samu will be assisting)
Secretary: Bijin Abraham & Sijo Thomas
Coaches: Manoj Achettu, Ajin A, Shamim, Biju Jacob, Jessmon
The board members were approved by those present at the meeting. The board members will be the decision-making body of the team. Any issues or concern any members have can be brought to the board members. All tournament/league roaster will be approved by board members.
The coaches will plan practice sessions and will do what is necessary to help the team get better. They will be making compiling rosters for tournaments/leagues.
This has been an ongoing problem for our team. It is understood that majority of our members have jobs and other things that is of primary importance in life. However, commitment is required to move forward as a team. If you’re off from work or free from school, it is expected that all members show up for games and practice sessions.
Also, it was decided by the group that a monthly $10 membership fee will be implemented from July onwards to increase our attendance and commitment. This will also help fund our team for tournament/league registration fees, indoor fields, and other expenses.
Outside folks are welcome to join our team. A one-month period will be given for the team to trial the person and for that person to trial our team. If they would like to continue with team then they can pay the monthly fee and join the team.
In consideration for outside players, it is recommended that people with some knowledge of soccer be invited.
If a foul is called during the game, play will be stopped. The players around the play should honestly judge the play. We are all one team. There is no point in hurting each other. Play safely and smart. We can talk about the play after the game and learn from it. If there is any issues or concerns, rather than causing conflict bring it to the attention of the board members.
Practice sessions will be organized by the coaches. As of now, Saturday morning was selected. It was also recommended that everybody come promptly at 6:30 pm on regular game days (Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings)and practice for 30 mins before the game.
Our goal is to be ready to participate in tournaments and leagues. As of now, it was suggested that we are not ready for out-of-state tournaments. This will assessed as we move forward.
Website : Samu and Nirmal will be managing the website.
Photography: Ans and Nirmal have a photography business that will handle photos from our team.
We will have get together/meetings like this at least every 6 months.
A new Whatsapp group will be created with all members to better communicate with the team
Take it easy on each other, we are all humans. We all make mistakes. Let’s move forward as team.
This team was created 30 some years ago. Let’s carry forward the great legacy that is Challengers.
Koche Palli
Martin Jr
Nithin Jr
7 years ago
Players Manual
- Kerala Chicago Malayalees Soccer Club
- Player Manual
- Introduction
KCMCSC is a great
place promoting South Indian Kerala Culture. Not only do we have great players,
committed and talented coaches, dedicated team managers, a diligent board, and
wonderfully supportive families. We simply have good people all around us.
Our ultimate goal is to develop creative, skillful players
capable of playing at the highest level. We want our teams playing an
attractive and attacking style of soccer. We place higher priority on
performance rather than pure results. We all love ‘winning’ games, but not at
the expense of learning, growing, and developing as players, as teams, and as
young people.
We love soccer and we love members who love soccer. Nothing
fuels our passion for the game like the shared passion of others. If we are to
commit to a player, we need that player to commit to us. We understand that players
find pleasure in more than just one sport, and this is healthy. However, if we
are to set a standard, the players must be present at trainings and games. They
also have to be willing to invest additional time on their own building their
skills – we want the players to develop a ‘love affair’ with the ball.
Players are not offered positions on our teams to then sit
idly on the bench. Every player deserves a fair shot to demonstrate to the club
that they’ve been improving. We believe in giving all rostered players playing
time. We do not guarantee “equal” playing time, but rather “fair” playing time.
In Italy, players do not specialize in positions until
around 16 years of age. To fully appreciate the game and its demands, a player
should experience every position. It is not uncommon for coaches to shift
players frequently to enrich their experience in the game. We ask that parents
understand this practice of ours and encourage their players to keep an open
mind when it comes to playing all positions.
Sportsmanship and respect for the game and all involved are
to be valued above all else. The game cannot exist without an opponent. After a
hard-fought match we shake the opposing team’s hands and mean it when we say
“good game.” The game is played under the guidance of referees. We must respect
that the referee’s word is final and never seek to break them intentionally.
Nothing makes a team look worse than to have its players, coaches, parents, or
supporters argue and whine to the referee.
The best players do not play just twice a week, nor do they
rely on adults to organize and supervise their opportunities to play. Playing
soccer with friends on your own time – In the park, the driveway, an empty
field – will make you a far better soccer player than if you just do the
minimum required training sessions.
Unlike other clubs, we do not invest time in recruiting
players. We believe in our philosophy and services and feel that players should
have the right to choose their club without pressure or persuasion. We are not
in the business of trading commodities or bidding for the best product; we are
here to mentor, guide, teach, and support our young players. Recruiting goes
against the concept of ‘player development.’ We never guarantee team placement,
playing time, or future college scholarships. We believe in the philosophy,
services, and familial atmosphere at KCMCSC. We are not going to convince or promise a
service to people – we are going to let people make their own choice.
We are a CLUB; we are not an organization with multiple
teams going in multiple directions. There is a club-wide community feeling and
club-wide support is something that is encouraged. We travel to tournaments
together, and it is so great to see all of our players supporting each other
and cheering on fellow KCMCSC players.
We look forward to the upcoming season and are happy to have
you as part of the KCMCSC family!
- Who We Are
KCMCSC Mission & Philosophy – An important part
of any club is having a clear mission. Our club’s mission reads – to maximize
player potential through the nurturing and development of our players and their
talent in a fun, competitive environment. KCMCSC’s goal is to foster a “love” of the game, and
to develop insightful and skillful players. We want our players to play the
"beautiful game" as Pele called it. We understand that all players
are unique in their own special way, and we are sensitive to individual player
needs, potential, and development of personal excellence.
Progress – An individual's development as a player and as a
person is our primary concern. It is our responsibility to help each player
grow and progress. There is a progression to KCMCSC’s curriculum and system of learning.
Education – We want thoughtful players who want to learn
the game and are willing to work to improve their technical, tactical, and
mental proficiency.
Service – We want players who are interested in giving back
to the club, to the game, and to the community. Our older players that have
come up through the club serve as coaches and mentors to the younger players.
Key Coaching Principles at KCMCSC Soccer Club
Technical Mastery –
Skill development and a mastery of the ball is our first priority. We want our
players to play the ‘beautiful game,’ but without technical skills there are no
tactics. We are committed to dedicating time in EVERY training session to help
our players improve their skills, BUT we also expect them to invest time on
their own to become better players.
Creating the right
training environment – Our goal in training is to create a fun, yet
competitive and demanding environment that challenges our players in ways
similar to the way that the game does. Players are continually pushed to reach
new levels, not taught to be satisfied with their current ability. It is our
goal to make the games seem easy compared to training.
Encourage players to
play in unstructured environments – In places where soccer is THE sport,
players “develop” in the streets or on the beaches. Players like Pele and Johan
Cruyff “learned” the game on the beaches of Brazil or the streets of Holland. KCMCSC encourages players to
learn the game on their own and play freely to develop certain skills without
coaches and parents telling them what to do.
There is no secret to
what it takes to excel at something – Time and Effort – We must inspire
players to invest more time on their own and try to get closer to the 10,000-hour
rule. Coaches can easily identify who is putting in extra work and who is not.
Be careful of
over-coaching – Coaches can be more helpful to a player’s development by
saying less and allowing players to do more. Coaches are encouraged to keep
comments short, simple, and understandable. Coaches are facilitators that must
encourage players to solve the problems that the game presents on their own.
Coaches and parents can’t play the game for the kids, so we must encourage
young players to think for themselves on the field.
Is winning important?
– Eventually, winning is important, but not until kids have developed the
tools to allow them to be successful in an environment where the aim is to win.
With the younger ages (9-12-year old), the most fundamental tool in soccer is
mastery of the ball and the creativity that comes with it. This cannot be
encouraged enough. As skills are mastered, the rest of the game becomes easier.
Don’t expect games
and performances of young players to match that of professional soccer –
Our coaches want to give players the opportunity to see soccer at a higher
level, but we don’t expect them to replicate this immediately. We all need to
remember that players don’t reach their full soccer potential until they are in
their late 20s. Development in soccer takes time, persistence, and patience.
The Game is the best
teacher – KCMCSC
coaches create exercises that replicate game situations and allow players to
grow comfortable and confident with the ball. Coaches want to keep it simple
and have a progression to training. We don’t want to overload players with too
many activities. We also don’t want players waiting in line for their turn.
Creative games that focus on the qualities of the game – attacking, defending,
dribbling, passing and scoring goals – are used. We want training exercises to
mimic the game so that players will feel confident when they step on the field
in a game setting.
- Coaches are always learning too – Our growth as coaches is similar
to players. As coaches, we are always learning. We try to be creative and look
to the game for the answers to questions. We are always reminding ourselves
that the game is the best teacher. KCMCSC coaches want to allow players to learn by
experiencing the game – sometimes succeeding and sometimes failing, but always
learning, developing, and growing.
Love of the game –
Our ultimate goal is to teach our players how beautiful and pure a game soccer
is. If players do not love what they are doing, then why do it? We want players
to enjoy the game and are committed to creating an environment that fosters
this. We all play a role in creating this environment – players, coaches &
Role of the Player
KCMCSC exists to help players enjoy soccer and make
them better. All players have the opportunity to work with coaches that love
soccer. They have all had varying degrees of experience and are all willing to
share their experience with the players. Remember that the coaches are here to
help you. Be respectful of this and always give your best. Here are some other
traits you should follow:
● Remember to thank your parents for giving you the
opportunity to play for KCMCSC.
● Training is essential to your development, and the place
you spend the most time. You will get out of training what you put into it, so
make sure to work hard and be on time. Those that invest the most into training
will be rewarded with the most playing time; it’s no secret.
● Take care of your equipment. Clean your boots off if they
are covered in mud, rather than throwing them in your bag and leaving them
until your next practice. Remember to have your training shirt, shorts, shin guard,
Soccer Shoes and socks (All times) for practice and Game. Remember to bring
both uniform jerseys, shorts and both pair of socks to all games and
● Maintain good sportsmanship throughout games and training.
Remember to shake the hands at the end of games with the referee and opposing
team after the game.
● All of our coaches are there to help you. If you don't
understand something a coach says or does, don’t be afraid to ask them to
● Indoor training time is a very important part of your
development. Use the time to your advantage, warm up before you get on the
field, and start practice promptly.
● Watch soccer. There are games televised from around the
world on a daily basis. Make time to watch these games and see how the game is
played at the highest level. Pick a favorite player, watch them, and try to
emulate them.
● Harassment or bullying will NOT be tolerated! We are a
family, and we must take care of our own. No one is bigger than the club.
● Represent yourself, your family, and the club every time
you play. Consider yourself a club ambassador every time you step on the field,
whether it’s for KCMCSC,
your school, ODP, etc.
● School work. No matter how much you love soccer your
education is more important. Make sure you earn the right to play by always
doing your very best in school.
The Teams
Coaches have the
direct responsibility of the team. They manage the team as they see fit with
input and guidance from the whole senior staff. The following information will
set guidelines on how each team will operate during the year, with a month-by-month
breakdown of events and activities.
Tryouts – KCMCSC has open tryouts every
year. This means that anyone that wishes to tryout is welcome to do so. The
teams are picked based on playing ability, attitude, and commitment. Top
players are offered positions on the Premier Team for each age bracket. The
next group is selected for the Club Team. If a player is not selected for
either team, they are encouraged to continue to play. KCMCSC is given a hard task when choosing teams,
and no coach likes to cut a player. Selecting players is not an exact science,
and we do our best to place players on teams where we believe they will best
develop. Players need to understand that playing for KCMCSC in the past does not guarantee a
place on a roster for the next season. As a Premier club we seek to create the
best team possible given the talent on display. Throughout the season players
are given the opportunity to show what they can do and stake their claim as a
continual fixture on the team.
Typical Season –
Due to different climate in Chicago, we have indoor in winter and Outdoor
during summer. We play 3 times a week. We are expecting to schedule 1 to 2
matches a month with outside team locally.
Winter Indoor
Training – All registered member is welcome into indoor training and matches.
Indoor League Play –
Players have the option to play with their KCMCSC team in our Futsal leagues. All
players are expected to play with their KCMCSC team.
- Parent -Player Code of Ethics
Parents and players must remember that soccer is intended to
promote the physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being of the player. Players
voluntarily elect to participate. The privilege to participate fosters a
responsibility and the realization that each player represents themselves on
and off the field, their family, KCMCSC, and their community. In order to achieve these
responsibilities, each player must:
● Treat himself with fairness and respect
● Treat coaches, officials, and opponents with respect
● Control his emotions at all times and never argue with any
coach, player, or official
● Accept decisions that are made and abide by them
● Use his influence on & off the field to help develop
good spectator sportsmanship
● Accept victory modestly, defeat gracefully, never quit,
never swear, bet, or “grandstand”
● Keep physically fit by observing proper training rules
● Parents and
spectators must realize that once the match begins, it belongs to the players –
It is imperative that we not take it away from them through our actions or
General Guidelines –
All players who play for KCMCSC will:
1. Sign a medical waiver form issued by the Illinois Soccer
Association – You must have had a complete physical examination by a physician
or a health care facility within the last two years.
2. Have written parental/guardian permission
3. Adhere to all KCMCSC policies
4. Report injuries to their coach – Written permission by a
physician is needed for serious injuries
5. Be the appropriate age as of August 1st of that
particular year
6. Make every effort to attend all training, matches, and KCMCSC events – It is the
player's responsibility to inform the coach if he/she cannot attend.
- Alcohol, Tobacco and
Drug Policy – Violation of this policy during any club-sponsored function
will result in the immediate removal from KCMCSC and forfeiture of all fees. KCMCSC players shall not:
1. Possess or use a beverage containing alcohol
2. Possess or use tobacco in any form
3. Possess, use, consume, sell, or distribute illegal
substances or steroids
KCMCSC Soccer Club travel team policies/guidelines may be
amended from time to time.
- KCMCSC Team Fees, Payment Procedures and
The KCMCSC Board has approved fees for the new season. The
new structure aims to hold operating costs and streamline administrative needs
while providing the club with the adequate resources required for expenses.
Additionally, it helps streamline the payment process – making it easier on
you. Our new team fees:
TEAM Per Player Fee 2005
& Older (U13+)
1. All players must register with the team by July
2. One-time registration fees starting July 1st
- $100/player
3. There after monthly fee - $20/monthly
If you have any financial concerns or meet with financial
challenges, please contact one of the Board members. It is your responsibility
to contact us to discuss your account and make alternative payment arrangements
to avoid the interruption.
Thanks, and welcome
to Kerala Chicago Malayalees Soccer Club