Dalton Youth Athletic Association posted news
1 year ago
Here are a few important things to know about the 2024 season:
1. Girls' softball has new mandatory age guidelines handed down from USA Softball. Please make sure you register your child for the age group based on their age as of AUGUST 31, 2023. (That's this past August)
2. While we strongly do not recommend it, there is the potential for some 9 year old boys to register for the 10u Minors division rather than the 9u. There is no guarentee however that by registering that you will be picked for a 10u team. Likewise if you have a 10 year old who is still very new to baseball, they can register for the 9u division which offers some more advantages to learning.
3. There is once again a multiple sibling discount code that may be used for a 10% discount on all of your kids. At checkout enter the code "SIB2024"
Dalton Youth Athletic Association posted news
2 years ago
Dear potential Dalton Baseball and Softball supporter,
The Dalton Youth Athletic Association (D.Y.A.A.) is in the process of preparing for the 2024 baseball, softball, and teeball seasons. In order to effectively provide this opportunity to the community, sponsors are needed for the uniforms of each team as well as to provide field rentals and adequate equipment for safe play.
A sponsorship of $225 covers those needs per team. We would be honored by your donations of that amount or more to help our 30+ Dalton teams succeed. As a thank you, we would like to display a 3ft x 8ft banner of each sponsor that will hang on the outfield fences at Village Green Park or Dalton Park for the duration of the 2024 season. We have found this to be the best promotion for our sponsors. However, if you have a specific player whose team you wish to sponsor with your business name on the back of the jersey, you can choose that option instead of a banner. Additionally all donors will receive recognition on our league website and Facebook page periodically throughout the season.
We are grateful for your role in our community and for your consideration of this opportunity. Please click this link to be directed to the Sponsor Form. Your response by March 10th would be greatly appreciated.
Jason Boyer (Co-Director, Boys Baseball and Teeball)
Katy Chubbuck (Co-Director, Girls Softball)
Dalton Youth Athletic Association posted news
3 years ago
Each division differs on what days of the week they play games in order to accommodate all the ages and divisions for softball, baseball and teeball. All teams will have away games that require travel to neighboring communities, but the locations of home games are listed below. Games typically start at 6pm. Some teams in older divisions may play night games on fields where lights are available beginning at 8pm once school is out for the summer. While some changes are possible for weather-related make-up games, typically teams follow this schedule:
BASEBALL (Games start May 1, except Hot Stove Starts Apr 18))
8u Coach Pitch: (Mon, Wed) @ Village Green Park or Kidron Park
9U and 10u Minors: (Tues, Thurs) @ Village Green Park or Kidron Park
12u Majors: (Mon, Wed, Fri) @ Village Green Park or Kidron Park
14u Hot Stove: (Any day Mon-Sat) @ Kidron Park
SOFTBALL (Games start Mid May)
8u Division: (Tues, Thurs) @ Village Green Park
10u Division: (Mon, Wed) @Village Green Park
12u Division: (Tues Thurs) @ Dalton Village Park
14u Division: (Mon, Wed) @ Dalton Village Park
Saturday mornings May-June (all games at Village Green Park)
Village Green Park - 41 S Freet St, Dalton, OH 44618
Dalton Village Park - St Rt 94 (Across from Los Tios)
Evergreen (Kidron) Park - 4434 Kidron Rd, Dalton, OH 44618
Practices will begin April 1st. Due to the limited number of fields, practice slots are typically held at either 5pm or 6:30 and last one and a half hours. When possible, we try to schedule each team's practices on the same nights as games. But because of the large number of teams in some divisions, occasionally a different night is needed. Ultimately practices are scheduled by the choice of the coach at the Preseason Coach's Meeting.
Each child is responsible for their own glove and batting helmet and cleats (NO METAL CLEATS ALLOWED). Teams may have some bats available, but it may be helpful to have your own bat as well. Additionally, those in softball need to have a facemask on their batting helmet and infielders are to wear a softball face guard for protection. The following document may be helpful for purchasing the right size bat or glove for your child. Equipment Sizing Chart
Each team player will be provided with a jersey. Hats are also provided for those in the 8u-14u Baseball divisions. Pants are the responsibility of the participant. You may want to wait till the season starts as some of the older teams may recommend a specific style or color to match.
It will take a couple weeks after the registration has closed for us to identify all the coaches, determine the number of teams per division, and hold a draft to select teams. Once that process is finished, team rosters will be uploaded to this website under "Teams." Coaches will contact you through phone call or text to welcome your child to their team. Practice information will be shared at that time.
With the exception of siblings, we are not able to place kids on teams by special request. All league rules require that teams are created by a fair draft process or through a skills tryout for certian Gold divisions.
I encourage you to show patience with this process. Remember, baseball practices do not begin until April. Softball practices are usually a couple weeks after that. If you have not heard from a coach by April 1st, please contact us through phone, email, or website.
TEEBALL!!! Those playing teeball will likely not be contacted until Mid April. Due to the later starting time, it is the last division to meet and select teams. We will reach out to you when those teams are set up.
Picture Day will take place on a Saturday towards the end of April. Your child will be given picture forms and a time slot once practice begins.
Game schedules will likely not be finalized until one week before the games are set to begin. It is a lot of work putting this together with all the communities. There will be weblinks available and coaches may also choose to provide printed copies if they choose.
Dalton Youth Athletic Association posted news
3 years ago
Make sure to visit our page on facebook and "like" or "friend"us in order to see posts throughout the season. Facebook Link