Welcome to the Fernie Youth Soccer Association (FYSA) 2021 Spring Soccer Season!
Hi Everyone!
Welcome to the Fernie Youth Soccer Association (FYSA) 2021 Spring Soccer Season!
Our season starts Monday, May 10th, and will run through to June 24th, weather permitting!
Due to COVID-19, things are starting a little differently this year. Although Phase 1 soccer is restrictive, we're planning to make it fun and hoping things will relax so we can play games in June.
The House League Schedule is listed below, please take a look as some days and start times have changed. All practices will be held at the Max Turyk fields until the end of June. We only have one night per week because of physical distancing and strict limits on the number of people on the fields at the same time.
One practice per week for May:
U4: Saturdays 10:00 - 11:00am
U6: Monday (1/2) 5:30 – 6:30
U8: Tuesday 5:30 – 6:30
U6: Wednesday (1/2) 5:30 – 6:30
U10 & U12: Thursday 5:30 – 6:30
U14 /U16/ U18 : Tuesday 7:00 – 8:00
Development & Rep Players - Schedules are set by coaches, please let us know if you have not received a message from your coach with practice details, ferniesoccer@gmail.com.
We hope to expand to 2 practices per week in June if health authority restrictions relax
If you have not yet received your player's roster and field assignment, Division Coordinators are working at completing those, we are still short several volunteers for all divisions. Please reach out to us if you are able to Volunteer, ferniesoccer@gmail.com.
We will ensure all rosters and field assignments are completed and sent out prior to your player's first practice.
U6 Rosters have already been distributed, if you did not receive the email with those details please let us know, ferniesoccer@gmail.com.
A few reminders:
Please self-screen yourself and your child for COVID symptoms before coming to soccer. https://bc.thrive.health/covid19/en
Attached is a map of the field. The map will show you where your practice location is. Please use the entrance located closest to your practice zone. After practice please leave through the designated exits labeled on the map.
Masks are required for all ages from the time you enter the field until you reach your individual practice box. At that time, children and parents may remove their masks while they remain in their box. However, FYSA encourages parents to keep theirs on.
Please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your practice starts and leave promptly at the end. No socializing/loitering on the fields or in the parking lots, please.
Please bring a full water bottle. There will not be a water filling station on the field. There will not be snacks this year, although participants can bring their own snacks to eat in their individual practice box if needed.
Washrooms will be available.
Remember to be kind, patient, and have fun! We are all doing our best.
Please make sure players wear their uniform (distributed on the first night) to each game. They should also have shin pads, long socks, a full water bottle, and appropriate clothing for the weather. We will still play if it is slightly raining but in the case of lightning or extremely wet fields practice may be canceled for safety reasons (Please check your emails for any last-minute scheduling changes).
Finally, FYSA uses
https://www.playyon.com/ferniesoccer/to Create an Online Soccer Community that All Players can share with Family and Friends. If you would like the information for your child's team to be shared with additional guardians, friends, or caregivers please click on the 'share' option listed on your child's team page. You will then be able to enter an email address inviting that individual to 'follow' your child's team to receive information and updates. On your Playyon profile, you can select that messages be sent by 'text' in addition to email. That way any email that is being sent will also be provided as a text to the phone contact listed in your profile.
Thank you,