Florida Charge posted news
2 years ago
Mark Your Calendar!
March 26, 2023, is the Florida Charge Boys Basketball One-Day Shootout!
Register YOUR TEAM >> HERE
The current state of youth basketball and youth sports, in general, needs to be fixed. If we genuinely care about youth basketball, we need to take action now, or it will be unrecognizable in the next ten years.
The mission of the Florida Charge Basketball Organization is to ensure players, parents, coaches, and organizers fully understand that you DO NOT have to comply with the current model and that many positive and developmentally sound options exist to develop into a better athlete and player.
Our goal should be to improve players' basketball and athletic skills. Each player needs to learn basic tactical knowledge, how to play through 3x3 and other small-sided games, and how to contribute significantly to the 5x5 game, where kids often need to be more involved. And how to use other sports to improve athleticism, emotional and physical stability, and social variation… all will help you grow fonder of basketball as you return to it.
We are passionate about changing the current model of youth basketball. Please share this opportunity with as many parents, coaches, organizers, and players as possible.
Together we can do the right thing for the future of youth basketball and our kids.