Harris Halperin Never Quit Memorial 3 Sport Field Day (Details Below)

Open Registrations


Harris Halperin Never Quit Memorial 3 Sport Field Day (Details Below) posted news
6 years ago

T-Shirt Fulfillment

For those purchasing a T-Shirt online, they will be distributed at the event on June 16th. If you are not planning to attend or cannot make the event, we have your address and email captured on your order and will arrange for delivery.

Harris Halperin Never Quit Memorial 3 Sport Field Day (Details Below) posted news
6 years ago


What is the schedule for the day?

The Day begins at 11am with an introduction. There will be table set up for registration to confimr those who signed up online, and for new registrants. Games will begin by 11:30pm. Lunch will be served from 11:30am - 2:00pm. The day will conclude at 2:00pm with a brief Wrap-Up. You can for as little or as long as you wish. A silent auction with some great prizes will run throughout the day. T-Shirts will also be available for sale during the day (Cash and we will are working on being able o accept Credit Card as well, will be accepted). Other stations will be available to keep you busy during breaks from your games.

How do the Sports Events work?  

Everyone should register individually. If you wiish to play with someone else, we can accommodate.There will be 3 events. You can choose to play none, and up to 3. It is your choice. Events will include a Basketball Shooting contest, Home Run Derby style Wiffle Ball, and Shoot Out Soccer. No running will be required.

Will food be available?

Food will be available for purchase with all proceeds going to the Harris Halperin Scholarship Fund. There will be hamburgers, hot dogs, garden burgers, snacks,ice cream, and water/soda available for purchase throughout the day. All proceeds will go directly yo the Harris Halperin Scholarship Fund. Cash will be accepted.

Why am I seeing a charge from YoYo Media Group on my Credit Card Statement?

All Harris Halperin Field Day Registrations, Donations, and T-Shirt purchases are running through are running through our corporation, YoYo Media Group. All from the Field Day will be rerouted to the Harris Halperin Scholarship Fund when the Day is complete.

Other Questions?

Please email Scott ([email protected]), or Marek at [email protected]).

Harris Halperin Never Quit Memorial 3 Sport Field Day (Details Below) added an album
6 years ago

HH Logo T-Shirts for Sale in various styles. Go to Registrations Tab and select T-Shirts to purchase. or link here: https://www.playyon.com/harris-halperin-never-quit-field-day/t/gvgJhETQWL/t-shirts-for-sale/

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About Us

We are lifelong friends of the Halperin family. We developed this day to honor Harris and his sweet, caring, sports-loving nature. The day will celebrate Harris's life in a fun and entertaining way, while raising money for The Harris Halperin Scholarship.

Harris Halperin Never Quit Memorial 3 Sport Field Day

When: Saturday, June 16th, 2018: 11:00am-2:00pm
Where: Ardsley Middle School: 700 Ashford Avenue in Ardsley.

The Field Day, which opens with an Introduction at 11am and wraps at 2pm, is all about fun and raising money for a great cause. Play all three sports, play one sport, it’s up to you. And did we mention the food? There'll be lots. And music too. Harris loved friends getting together to have fun and play ball. So let's honor him by doing just that while raising money for his Scholarship.  Sports include: Basketball Shooting Contest, Home Run Derby Wiffle Ball, and Shoot Out Soccer.

Harris, a 3 sport athlete and National Honor Society member from Ardsley, passed away from a rare form of lymphoma in March 2018. Harris was kind and brave, always optimistic, and was unwavering in his ability to never quit. The Harris Halperin Memorial Scholarship will be awarded annually to an Ardsley High School senior who displays these attributes in sports, school and the wider community.