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6 years ago

MPG Basketball posted news
6 years ago

MPG Sports Apparel

For the player or even parent who…wants the high-end sport apparel look the youth are absolutely dominating right now.

As a young non-profit basketball director, basketball coach and basketball development trainer, you've got a pretty fresh perspective on how athletic apparel has evolved and you're working to establish your brand as a contender in the category. What are the things you concentrate on as you try to establish your brand that has new brands popping up all the time?

Mark Guiam, creative director: Everything comes with experience. Establishing the brand is something that comes with time, commitment and passion for what we produce. As I’m at the age of my own target market, a concentration for me is to make sure every single product we create is something I’d feel comfortable wearing, whilst maintaining a unique look. We’re constantly developing and testing amazing fabrics from all over the world. And this year will show such a step up in our Training Collections within the athletic apparel category. New brands popping up here, there, and everywhere doesn’t affect us at all because we’re constantly developing a stronger and stronger following since day one with growth of MPG Training.

MPG Basketball posted news
6 years ago

Dribble, Drive and Finish School

Finishing at the basket is the most difficult skill for a basketball player to master as there are so many options/ways. It requires proper athleticism, balance, hand placement, arm extension, footwork and follow-through. It is one of the most important elements of a player’s game. Improper mechanics will severely limit a basketball player’s success at every level. 

Through professional coaching and analytics, MPG Training we guarantee an increase the abilities of each player. Our sessions fill up very quickly, we maintain a low coach to player ratio to ensure that each player receives individual attention and a detailed report. Training Sessions are 1 hour long and focus 100% on the technique and ability.

Each player receives video footage of the workout, a personalized report, and a personalized workout plan for them to use outside of our development. Players will be re-assessed 90 days after the completion of school. Ensure your player is a part of our training and learns how to be that confident and crafty player  that can be successfully for the rest of their career. Train with purpose and train with the best at MPG Sports.

MPG Basketball posted news
6 years ago

MPG Shooting School

Shooting is a skill that is often over looked by many players. It requires proper stance, balance, hand placement, arm extension, and expert follow-through. It is one of the most important elements of a player’s game. Improper mechanics will severely limit a basketball player’s success at every level. Through professional coaching and analytics, MPG Shooting School guarantee an increase the shooting abilities of each player.

Our Development Programs fill up very quickly, we maintain a low coach to player ratio to ensure that each player receives individual attention and a detailed report card. Training Sessions are 1 hour long for 10 weeks and focus 100% on improving shooting technique and ability. Each player receives a personalized player report, and an instructional individual workout plan. Players will be re-assessed 90 days after the 10 week program. This ensures our trainees are a part of our development programs and learn how to shoot successfully for the rest of their career. Train with purpose and train with the best at MPG Shooting School.

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About Us

Coach Mark Guiam is the MPG Sports owner and active professional skills development trainer/coach. Coach Guiam's passion for teaching began 15 years ago, over which time he has ran camps, clinics, and workshops throughout Canada and Asia. 
Coach Mark offers a wide range of services that cater to the needs of athletes on all levels. He brings over 15 years of experience in the areas of basketball, strength and conditioning, and health and wellness. And most importantly, we strive to develop your mental and physical characteristics.  As a basketball coach at the college level, he too focuses and prides on skill development for all ages, as he strongly believes in improving players both on and off the court should start in your early stages of development.
Testimonial: "His attention to detail, combined with a unique teaching style, keeps workouts fresh and challenging. Players always talk about taking their game to the next level. Working with Coach Mark will guarantee your individual improvement." - Tarry Upshaw, Ridley College Head Coach

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