Norwalk Twin Rivers Baseball

Open Registrations


Norwalk Twin Rivers Baseball posted news
4 years ago

2021 Majors/Minors Rules

2021 Twin Rivers
Baseball Rules Minors and Majors As of February 15, 2021

  1.     Current Iowa USSSA 11U rules will be followed by Majors Division and 8U rules by Minors Division except those collectively amended by vote of the league’s directors.  Twin Rivers will not adopt Iowa USSSA rule changes after the start of the season.  All bats used are to be ASA or USSSA certified for player safety.   A team must start and play with no less than 7 players at any time during the game otherwise the game will be forfeited and a 10-0 score will be recorded. All batting lineups must have 9 batters. For every lineup with less than nine, the coach of such team shall inform the official scorer as to the positions in the batting order he/she desires the absent players to come to bat and when such turn at bat occurs, the umpire shall declare an out.   8U Rules (Minors) include but are not limited to:  o   No dropped 3rd strike o   No leading off o   No stealing home unless a throw is made to 3rd base o   Courtesy runners for catchers are encouraged o   Bunting is allowed except against coach pitch.  A copy of the rules can be found at the following website:  

2.     The following rule exceptions will be applied to Twin Rivers League:  
           Participation rule – All players in the lineup must bat, and each player must play defense for a minimum of two innings unless there is an injury or the game is less than 3 innings.  All defensive substitutions in and out of the field are open except for the pitcher. Once a player has been removed from the pitcher’s position, he may not re-enter the pitcher’s position later in the game. Pitching innings are defined as the number of outs a pitcher gets. One out equals 1/3rd of an inning. Total innings allowed for pitchers per game are the following:
                             Minors - 2 innings per game (6 outs)
                             Majors - 3 innings per game (9 outs)
                             In the event the final out to meet the pitcher’s inning limit results in double play and subsequently two outs, the pitcher must be removed from the game however only 1/3rd of an inning is recorded
             Run rule per inning:
                            Minors - 5 runs
                            Majors - 5 runs except for an open inning.    The 6th inning will always be an open inning however the umpire may declare an open inning prior to the 6th inning based on time/darkness/weather limitations. If the umpire declares an open inning prior to the 6th inning, he/she must communicate the open inning to the coaches prior to the start of the inning. Otherwise the 5 run rule applies.  
                 Head first slides are illegal when advancing to the next base.  Runners are allowed head first slides back to the previously occupied base.  If there is a close play at 2nd, 3rd, or home and the runner does not attempt to slide and makes contact with the defensive player, the runner shall be declared out. The definition of an intentional head first slide and a close play/contact will be at the umpire’s discretion. 
                  Pitching mound will be set from the back point of home plate to the front edge of the pitching rubber at 46 feet for minors and 50 feet for majors.  
                  Majors Only – A batter may advance to 1st base on a dropped third strike if either of the following are met:
                                         1st base is unoccupied
                                        1st base is occupied and there are two outs. 
                  Majors Only - Each team receives a balk warning (warning per team NOT per pitcher).  After the warning, a balk shall advance the runner(s) to the next base.
               Minors Only - Minors can play 10 defensive players however the 10th player cannot play on the infield dirt or grass. The defensive team is only allowed to have 6 players in the infield (including the catcher) prior to the pitch being thrown.  
                Minors Only - After the pitcher has reached a four-ball count, the batting team’s coach will pitch to the batter from the pitching mound (coach must have one foot in contact with pitching mound) until he either hits the ball or strikes out. The strike count will carry from the pitcher to the coach that the batter has already received. The Umpire will call strikes using a standard strike zone while the coach is pitching.  When a coach is pitching, until the time at which the ball reaches the plate, the pitcher/fielder must be parallel with the pitching rubber on either side of the mound.   If the coach pitching interferes with a batted ball, the ball becomes dead and runners must return to their previous base. The batter who hit the ball will return to the batter’s box and re-bat. The pitch will not be counted as a strike or a ball. If the coach interferes with a second batted ball during the same at bat, the ball becomes dead and runners must return to their previous base and the batter is declared out. ·      
                    Minors OnlyBunting is allowed except during coach pitch.
                    Minors Only - If the pitcher is holding the baseball with his foot on the rubber ready to deliver a pitch to the catcher, and the catcher is ready to receive the pitch, runners must return to the base.  Otherwise, the ball is live and the runners can advance.  
                  Minors Only - Minors may not steal home unless the catcher or fielder makes a play at third base.  A play will be defined as a throw that leaves the catcher’s or fielder’s hand to third base.  Stepping toward a runner or pump faking is not considered a play.  Minor players on 3rd base must return to the base once the catcher throws the ball back to pitcher. Some specific, but limited to, instances include:  1. Runner on third. Catcher throws the ball to the third baseman. Runner may advance to home. Catcher has made a play to third. 2. Runner on third. Catcher runs toward the runner. Runner may not advance to home. Catcher has not made a play to third. 3. Runner on third. Catcher throws the ball to the pitcher who proceeds to throw the ball to the third baseman. Runner may advance to home. Fielder has made a play to third. 4.   Runner on third. Catcher throws the ball to the pitcher who proceeds to run to the base runner. Runner may not advance to home. Fielder has not made a play to third. 5. Runners on first and third. Runner on first steals second. Catcher throws to second. Runner on third may not advance. Catcher has not made a play to third. 6.   Runners on first, second, and third. Catcher throws to first for a pickoff play. Runner on third may not advance to home. Catcher has not made a play to third. 
                     Minors Only – no infield fly rule  

3.     All teams must submit a player roster to the league commissioner by April 15th.  This will consist of players in Minors and Majors.  Rosters will be distributed to all town directors and roster challenges must be submitted before the first game. Final rosters are due May 15th for post season tournament eligibility (2021 Exception Only).  

4.     Players normally will be 8 years old or in 2nd grade through 12 years old or 6th grade but cannot be older than 13 years old.  However, at the discretion of the coach, town organization, and the player’s parents, younger players may play up a level.   

5.     Players shall play either Minors or Majors, but cannot play on both teams unless numbers warrant them to play on both teams.  Minors team colors that are paired with majors colors are automatically eligible to play up.  To play on a different colored team, a minors player has to be specifically indicated on the majors lineup and is not eligible for other teams.  Indicate those players with an (*) beside their name on the lineup. 

6.     Minor games will begin promptly at 5:00 pm and have a 70-minute timer.  Once the timer sounds, the inning will be completed unless the home team is winning after visitor inning has completed (three outs).  There are no cardbacks (NO scores revert back as inning is always finished to necessary completion). A new inning officially starts after the last out of the prior inning.
                 If there is no Major’s game following Minor’s game, the Minor’s game starts at 6:00 pm and have a 70-minute timer.  Timer rules will apply as stated above (inning is played to completion after timer sounds)
                  If there is a Minor’s game that is shortened by rain (umpires discretion), an official game is met after 1.5 or 2 innings have been completed (losing team has made at least 6 outs)  

7.      Major games will consist of 6 innings (traditional extra inning rules apply in the event of a tie after 6 innings), unless the game is any of the following:
                  Shortened by time limit. Majors will have a 1:45 timer. Once the timer sounds, the inning will be completed unless the home team is winning after visitor inning has completed (three outs).  A new inning officially starts after the last out of the prior inning.  
                  Shortened by open inning designation (umpires discretion) and subsequent completion of that open inning prior to 1:45 timer. Once an open inning has been declared, there cannot be any subsequent innings unless the result of the open inning is a tie. Any open inning prior to the 6th inning must be declared prior to the start of the inning by the umpire.
                   Shortened by darkness (umpires discretion).  No new innings are to begin 20 minutes after “official” sunset time.  Official USSSA rules for cessation of game due to darkness will apply. If the games is called in the middle of an inning, the game reverts back to end of previous inning.  There will be no exceptions.  Coaches must agree PRIOR to start of the game to extend play if playing under lights.
                   Shortened by rain (umpires discretion). An official Major’s game is met after 2.5 or 3 innings have been completed (losing team has made at least 9 outs)
                   Shortened by mercy rule. A ten run mercy rule after 4.5 or 5 innings will apply in majors only (losing team has made 15 outs)  

8.     All home Minor/Major games are to be officiated by a certified umpire.  Base umpires are upon a coach’s or umpire’s request and will be provided by the visiting team (or coach’s agreement for home team).  A responsible adult will be selected who does not need to be certified.  The certified home plate umpire can overrule the base umpire.  

9.     Home teams will provide game baseballs.  Style of ball is at the discretion of the home team.  Diamond baseballs are preferred but not required.  

10.  Pitching Mounds will be used for both Majors and Minors.  They may be natural or artificial as long as they do not exceed 6” height above home plate or reduce legal size of pitching rubber.  Mounds are encouraged to have sloping contour.  If using elongated mounds the short end goes in the back.  

11.  10 year olds may pitch in Minors as well as in Majors.  However, if a player throws one pitch in minors he is NOT allowed to pitch at all in majors that day.  

12.  Only three coaches total are allowed per team in dugout and two on field of play.  

13.  Every town in Twin Rivers Little League will hold a genuine draft.  They may have two coaches per team with sons/grandsons on their respective teams to start with.  Once they begin to choose players, it will be in a fashion of a true draft where one team picks from the “pool” of players alternately with each coach from other teams.  All drafts will pool players from their communities collectively and draft out of that pool.  “Pooling” of players are not by age. If players are playing in a certain division, then all players shall be “pooled” together. Example:  3rd & 4th graders shall be “pooled” together in the Minor Division as well as 5th & 6th graders shall be “pooled” together in the Major Division (this will eliminate teams of  having all 6th graders on one team).  

14.  Make Up Policy – If there is a rainout or cancellation for any reason, the home team coach is responsible for rescheduling with the opposing coach.  The home team coach must attempt to reschedule within 1 week of the cancelled game.  The rescheduled game does not have to be played within 1 week however the makeup date must be set in this period of time.  The home team field does not have to be used for the makeup.  If no standard time is available in the attempts to reschedule between the two teams, the home team must record the game as a scratch/permanent cancel on the league system.   If the home team does not attempt to coordinate a rescheduled date within one week of the initial cancellation, the visiting team can submit a request to the commissioner for review to be awarded a forfeit.  The attempt must include at least one e-mail AND one phone call or message to the opposition coach.    If the visiting team does not respond to the home team’s rescheduled date request, the home team can submit a request to the commissioner for review to be awarded a forfeit.  The attempt must include at least one e-mail AND one phone call or message to the opposition coach.  Any final considerations on forfeits by the commissioner will include but not be limited to the following: home/away team rescheduling attempts, number of cancellations during the season due to weather, cancellation timing, etc.

15.  League Standings – Either the home or visiting team may enter in the final score of the game into the league website. Please complete this no later than 1 week after the completion of the game in order to maintain the accuracy of league win/loss standings. The home team ultimately maintains the final book and therefore will be used for any score discrepancies.  

16.  All end of year tournament costs including umpires, trophies, and supplies should be divided equally amongst the number of participating teams.  

17.  If the umpire feels a spectator is displaying excessive protests, arguments, complaints or behavior not appropriate in a recreational setting, the umpire will notify the coach of the offending team’s spectator. That coach will give one warning to that spectator. If there is a second incident with the same spectator, the umpire will again notify the coach and the coach will ask the spectator to leave the game.  

2021 Tournament Dates
Minor Boys Tournament weekend of June 11-13 @ Southeast Warren
Major Boys Tournament weekend of June 18-20 @ I-35 (Truro)

Norwalk Twin Rivers Baseball added an album
4 years ago

Norwalk Twin Rivers Baseball posted news
5 years ago

Pee Wee League Rules - 2021

1. Maximum of six runs per inning or three outs (with no open innings)   
2. Games start on 1-hour schedule no new inning should start after 45 minutes from start time.  
3. One base only on overthrows.  
4. Bats – Pee Wee must use 2.25 inch barrel bats.  Big barrels are not allowed for Pee Wee. 5.  Batter cannot walk.  However the batter has a maximum pitch count of 10.  If the batter does not put the 10th pitch in the field of play the batter is out.
6.  Batter will be called out after three swings of the bat and the final swing does not make contact with the ball (There are no called strikes).
7.  Runner will return to previous base if not ½ way when ball is returned to pitcher (child or adult).
8.  Coaches will pitch to their batters no less than 20 feet from plate. Coaches shall pitch overhand to boys with an option of over or underhand to girls.
9.   All players on the roster are in the field of play at the same time but each team is only allowed to put 6 players in the usual infield positions. The remaining players must play either in the outfield grass or a minimum of 15 feet behind the bases. 
10. Players cannot be older than 2nd grade or older than 9 years old by September 1st.  If they are above this age they will need to be moved up to Minors.
11.  One adult umpire should be assigned to home plate to keep track of outs.  They will also need to judge if runners are past ½ ways when the ball is returned to the pitcher.
12.     Rainouts – If Saturday games are rained out, games will automatically move to the next day (Sunday). If necessary the game times will be shortened to ensure all games can complete by darkness.  If Sunday is also a rainout, the hosting organization will coordinate with league directors to schedule a make-up day.  
2021 Tournament Dates Pee Wee Tournament Day June 5th @ I-35 (Truro)

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6 years ago

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About Us

NTRB is a 501c3 non-profit and volunteer led organization with a mission to advance youth baseball skills and competition in the Norwalk community.  NTRB plays in the Twin Rivers League and is a competitive traveling league for boys and girls grades K through 2, and boys grades 3-6. Travel is required to Truro, St. Mary’s, Martensdale, Churchville, Milo, Lacona and Winterset.

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