Open Registrations


Raiders Spring Basketball added an album
6 years ago

Raiders Spring Basketball posted news
6 years ago

Spring Starts the week of March 18th!

We start the week of March 18th! 

Practices will be held at a Roseville Area Gym and we will announce times and locations once it is all finalized. 

Current Tournaments will be as follows:
  • Tournament Weekends
  • April 6th-7th  
  • April 13th-14th 
  • May 4th-5th 
  • May 11th-12th 
  • May 18th-19th
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].


Raiders Spring Basketball added an album
6 years ago

Raiders Spring Basketball added an album
7 years ago

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About Us

We are not AAU.  We offer competitive basketball teams and instruction for  girls 3rd-7th grade. This is a program aimed at building teamwork, experience, and the basic skills to move forward in life and basketball. We pride ourselves on providing a program that your youth can develop and flourish in.

Our Spring League is open to  girls ages 3rd-7th Grade. Teams will practice mostly once a week on a weeknight and tournaments are played on the weekends.

There are no try-outs in the traditional sense for the Spring League as everyone is guaranteed to make a team. There will be, however, a Player Assessment Day. These assessments are necessary to create balanced teams within each division. Players only need to attend one assessment day.