Open Registrations


Seacoast Social Sports posted news
7 years ago

Summer 2018 Cornhole Registration OPEN

The Season is about to begin.

Here is link to registration: "Click HERE to register

Seacoast Social Sports added an album
7 years ago

Seacoast Social Sports added an album
7 years ago

Seacoast Social Sports added an album
7 years ago

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About Us

We are an independent adult social league that offers a seasonal rotation of cribbage and cornhole at our primary watering hole:  WHYM Craft Beer Cafe!

Cornhole is hosted outside on the patio during the warmer months with two 8-week long seasons.  Each season ends with a seeded single-elimination seeded bracket!

Cribbage is hosted during the colder months inside the cafe.  Food and beer specials pair well during the two 8-week long seasons, which end the same way as cornhole: a seeded single-elimination bracket.

Both leagues offer prizes that include beer, custom themed gifts (custom cribbage boards, cornhole boards, etc.) and cash!