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Top Line Triathlon Club posted news
3 years ago

Silent Auction to Benefit Lubbock First Responders

Hi Athletes!
I am really excited to let you know that Top Line Tri Club is hosting a silent auction to benefit Lubbock Firefighters. Up for bids is an entry to Buffman and Squeaky Triathlon Festival, custom triathlon gear, and more.  Lubbock's first responders have been on the front lines assisting with the response to COVID throughout this challenging year. Lubbock Fire Rescue has maintained a full complement of staff despite cases of the virus throughout their units and our city. They have assisted tremendously with vaccinations and in countless ways, seen and unseen.  100% Of the funds raised from this auction will go to support mental health support for Lubbock Firefighters, reducing barriers to access and allowing these brave men and women to keep us safe in all we do. 
Please visit our auction here:
Bidding opens at 1:00 PM today (3/30) and closes April 14th at 5:15pm.  Please reach out with any questions about the auction and thank you all!

Top Line Triathlon Club posted news
4 years ago

Train for Ironman Lubbock 70.3!

For many of us, it has been well over a year since we toed the line at a triathlon. Hopefully you have maintained your fitness throughout the past 12-14 months but it can be challenging to stay focused when you don't know if/when your race will happen. It is looking more and more hopeful for races to return to our calendars and this means we need to transition from maintenance mode to race preparation mode.

If you feel a little unsure of where you should be with your training, especially in regards to preparing for a half iron distance race, I am happy to offer a basic training plan to all club athletes. The plan will be available to any club member who wishes to be included in the club training schedule. 

The schedule begins with some base endurance training to build your fitness and will progress with more volume as we get closer to the race. The plan is designed for all levels of athlete and will help you establish a routine for your training. If you would like a more individualized, tailored approach, please contact me ([email protected]) or take a look at the options I offer here:

Signing up for the plan is easy:
Step 1: Send me an email with your preferred email address to use for plan access. 
Step 2: You will receive an invite email from Today' asking you to create an account o their platform.
Step 3: Enter your basic demographics and any other fitness-related metrics you are aware of (accept the defaults if you do not know these) and accept terms to create your account.
Step 4: You will be placed on the "Top Line Tri Club Plan" which you can access via the desktop or mobile app. where you will have access to your training calendar. 
Step 5: For more advanced features and analysis, choose the premium plan on the app. 

Please reach out to me with any questions and happy training!

Top Line Triathlon Club posted news
4 years ago

Top Line Tri Club Race Kits!

I am excited to announce that we are taking orders for Top Line Tri Club race kits for the 2021 season! Many of you purchased kits last year and probably didn't get to use them much or at all. We have tried to keep the design similar so that our athletes will all blend together well in their race kits!! It would be wonderful to all represent our club in our kits at the 2021 Ironman 70.3 Lubbock which is the Central Tri Club Championship! The store is OPEN now until March 1st, 2021.
If you are unsure of your size and would like to try on any pieces, please contact me so I can make those arrangements with you. 
Again that store link is here:

Top Line Triathlon Club posted news
4 years ago

Precision Hydration Joins Top Line Tri Club as a 2021 Supporter!

I am very excited to announce that Precision Hydration (PH) will support our club with a discount code for their best in class hydration products. 

Everyone sweats differently and so Precision Hydration (PH) uses their cutting-edge Sweat
Tests to help athletes understand their personal hydration needs and have a range of electrolyte drinks in different strengths to match how they sweat.

I have used PH since the summer of 2019 and it has been a game changer for me in terms of supporting my training with the best possible hydration products. I highly recommend taking their online sweat test to estimate your own sweat rate and choose the products that match your needs the best. 

Please reach out to me with any questions about hydrating effectively in our climate, I would be happy to help! Discount codes to be sent via email. 
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About Us

Originally Flat Out Tri Club, Top Line Triathlon Club is a USAT Tri Club that unites multisport athletes in West Texas to meet, train, race, and enjoy an active lifestyle together. We warmly welcome athletes of all backgrounds, from beginner to experienced, to join us and experience all that the multisport life has to offer.

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