Open Registrations


Vector Box Lacrosse posted news
7 years ago

Box Lacrosse Information Update


The Ice Center has moved us officially from 6pm start time to a 630pm start time. Our new sessions will be from 630pm-730pm. Also please keep in mind that the clinic prior to our session is separate from the Box Lacrosse. You are welcomed to participate in both but it is a separate cost. Please register at


Coach Longo

Vector Box Lacrosse posted news
7 years ago

What a Great First Session

Parents and Players,

Thanks for coming to his weekends first Vector Box Lacrosse Session. It was a huge success and the boys really started to pick thing up. As most of you noticed box is a very transitional game and the pace of play is high. We will continue with the same format building on the strategy and technique we teaching. Here are a few things to talk with the boys about before next session:

  1. Positioning and Spacing
  2. Movement Without the Ball (Cutting and Supporting the Ball Carrier)
  3. Ball Movement, Pass to the Open Man
  4. Have them explain the Motion Offense to You.

This will help them come in fresh and ready. Also if we can try and be there 15 minutes early. Now we are back to back with the clinic I will be ending the clinic 5 minutes early to set up for box. I need the box boys ready to go so we do not waste anytime. I have ordered the pinnies but please have them "ALL" bring on of theirs also incase the new ones are not in.

See you on Sunday @ 6pm


~Coach Longo

PS - Feel Free to have the kids do the clinic as well. We are station based and work on basic skill development. (Passing, Shooting, Stick Work and Situational Play) That can be done with the link provided.

Vector Box Lacrosse posted news
7 years ago

Who's Ready for Box Lacrosse?

Vector Lacrosse,

Thanks for your registration and commitment to Vector Lacrosse. This is a pilot program looking to build the momentum from the fall programs and carry us over to the spring season. Here are a few items to remember for these sessions:

  1. Full equipment will be mandatory to participate. This includes mouth pieces and cups. We do not want to take any unnecessary chances.
  2. Please have the kids bring their reversible pinnies for the first week. I will be ordering some but they may not be done yet. They should always be in the equipment bag anyway! : )
  3. Bring enough water! The Ice Center does have water fountains but I do not want the kids leaving the playing area. They need to be either on the field or on the benches. 
  4. Please show up 15 minutes early and have the kids dressed and ready to go. The Ice Center is very sensitive to field time. We will start promptly on the hour and be done on the hour. If we go over we will incur additional costs and that is bad. 
  5. Any concerns please address them to me directly. This should be a fun experience for the kids, parents and coaches. I am all about building relationships and sportsmanship. 

Thanks for your support and I look forward to working with the kids.

~Coach Longo

Vector Box Lacrosse posted news
7 years ago

Welcome to Vector Lacrosse

Welcome Parents,

Thanks for taking an interest in the first ever youth box lacrosse here in San Antonio. The intended purpose of Vector Lacrosse is to build upon the skills the kids are learning in there individual programs. We are going to teach them more advanced concepts and strategies and most importantly how to play unselfish and fast lacrosse. We will teach them the importance of motion and ball movement. Lacrosse is the fastest game on grass or turf and that is what we are going to build on. I look forward to seeing you all week one for some good lacrosse. 


Coach Longo

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About Us

Vector Lacrosse is a Box Lacrosse program in San Antonio, Texas that is designed to develop lacrosse skills that translate to both box and the 10 man game. We are developing the skills that are needed to play fast. Lacrosse is the fastest game of grass... and we will play fast.