Wild Quail Krakens Swim Team

Open Registrations


Wild Quail Krakens Swim Team added an album
4 years ago

Wild Quail Krakens Swim Team added an album
4 years ago

Family Dental Associates 385 Saulsbury Rd. Dover, DE 19904 (Corner of Saulsbury Rd. and Walker Rd.) ​Call us at: 302-674-8810 https://www.familydentaldover.com/

Wild Quail Krakens Swim Team posted news
4 years ago

Team Suits, Swim Gear and more! Purchase through this link and the team will earn some $$

Browse this link for team suits (going with plain black this year), practice gear and more.  If you would like to see something added to the link, please let me know....  every purchase earns the team some $$$.

Wild Quail Krakens Team Store

Wild Quail Krakens Swim Team added an album
4 years ago

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About Us

*** Registration for the 2022  OPENS MAY 2!!*****

The Wild Quail Krakens is a summer swim team for swimmers 18 and under.  We are based at the Wild Quail Golf & Country Club in Camden-Wyoming, Delaware.   The team is a part of the Delmarva Swim Association with their philosophy of friendly competition in a safe environment.    Swim meets for this year have not yet been determined.  In past years, meets were held on Monday and/or Thursday evenings.    Meet participation is completely voluntary and is not mandatory.   

Our head coach, Brenden Smith, has many years of competitive swimming coaching experience and is looking forward to leading new and experienced swimmers during our inaugural season.   Assistant Coach Nate Prystash has just completed his sophmore year at Penn State University.  He is a long time swimmer and has previous experience teaching swim lessons and coaching young swimmers.  

To be a member of the Krakens, each swimmer must be able to float on his/her back independently and have a basic knowledge of freestyle.    During the season, they will receive stroke instruction,  increase cardiovascular endurance and have fun along the way.    There will be Fun Fridays of course!



June 4th and 5th

Ages 11 and older: 8-9:30am

Ages 10 and under: 9:30-10:30




Ages 13 and over: 7-9 am

Ages 11-12: 7-8:30am

Ages 10 and under:  9-10am


****Practice times subject to change based on the number of swimmers registered 

Age group based on birthday as of May 31st.   Maximum age 18 years old. 
We swim as long as there is no thunder/lightning.  Last minute changes will be sent out via text and email


$235 First family member

$215 1st sibling

$205 2nd sibling

Includes team cap and tshirt

Black bathing suit is recommended for meets (but not required).   All swimmers should have googles available for practice and meets.  Order through these links and the team will earn some money back! 
You do have the option to purchase from wherever you like. 

Krakens Logo based on design by Georgia May (2020)

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