Woodside Priory Graduating Seniors

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Woodside Priory Graduating Seniors posted news
6 years ago


Introducing the parents behind the magnificent events of graduation 2019.

Woodside Priory Graduating Seniors added an album
6 years ago

Woodside Priory Graduating Seniors added an album
6 years ago

Woodside Priory Graduating Seniors added an album
8 years ago

About Us

Important Dates for Graduating Class 2019

Friday, April 26th-- Parent Volunteer Appreciation Brunch 8:35 am
Friday, May 10th--  Spring Concert
Friday, May 10th– Last day of classes for Seniors
Friday, May 24th– Senior Project Presentations
Wednesday, May 15th-- Athletics Celebration Night
Wednesday, May 22nd-- Performing Arts Banquet                                
Friday, May 24th--  Senior Project Presentations
Friday, May 24th - 26th - Retreat Weekend
Tuesday May 28th through Wednesday May 29th Grad night. (This will be an overnight excursion. Kids will arrive back to Priory in the early afternoon.)
Thursday, May 30th - Practice and Cap decorating  - wear graduation ceremony shoes.
Friday, May 31st -Baccalaureate Mass @ 5:30 p.m., Priory Chapel/DINNER (Commencement Weekend begins with the Baccalaureate Mass where Father Martin will give one last homily for our soon-to-be graduates. Graduates wear gown (no cap)).
Saturday, June 1st -  Graduation All are invited - @ 10:00 am on Father Christopher Field